
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Why Mandatory Apples Washed Before Eaten

Sony have both announced the presence at their first smart audio system for the car, which was named XAV-AX100. Sony's latest system is suitable for use on two smartphone platforms today, namely Apple and Android CarPay Auto.

Reported Phonearena page on Tuesday (23/8) double-DIN system on these devices has the capacity of a large touch screen front. The touch screen may also bear the buttons to change tracks and adjust the sound without having to stare at the screen.

The smart audio system also pinning feature of Sony extra bass for 4x55W amperes, as well as a 10-band equalizer. The device also includes three holes connectivity that allows users to add extra speakers or various accessories.

A feature Dynamic Stage Organizer will also be able to help users when experiencing loss of voice quality problems to keep improving the clarity of sound. XAV-AX100 will be priced at 499.99 US dollars, equivalent to RP 6.5 million in North America in November.

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