Monday, January 2, 2017

Just Not Enough Calcium Bone Strength Keeping the Elderly

As people age, calcium intake alone is not enough to keep bones strong. There are two other important things needed for calcium to a maximum working.

Hormonal changes during and after menopause makes women have a big risk for osteoporosis as we age, says Kerry Hildreth, MD, assistant professor of geriatric medicine at the University of Colorado.

"Taking calcium supplements to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis is a general recommendation for older women. In particular the needs of women over 45 years is 1,000 to 1,500 mg per day. But taking extra calcium alone will not protect your bones," said Hildreth.

According to him, the calcium intake needs to be balanced with the intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. So for people who are at risk of bone loss, taking the two supplements together is a good idea.

However, vitamin D can be absorbed by the body when you get it naturally, through the morning sunshine. Bask in the sun for 20 minutes before 9 am is the best choice.

However Hildreth continued, taking supplements of calcium and vitamin D was still not enough. When the elderly, bone density is also determined by the strength of the muscles, so if your muscles are weak, much intake of calcium and vitamin D alone will not help.

"You have to stay active and exercise so that your muscles can support the bone. So, diligent drinking milk, for example, would make no sense if you are not moving, such as walking at least 10-20 minutes per day," says Hildreth.

If you intake a healthy and varied diet before the age of 45 and continued until an older age, it is very possible that you do not need to take supplements of any kind, he added.

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