Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sponges Wash Dishes Could Bring Disease

Most housewives had had enough for dishwashing sponge wash with water after use and replace them with new ones once a month. In fact, a sponge wash the dishes included in the arsenal of germs that can transmit the disease.

In a study on the cleanliness of the kitchen in Singapore revealed that 88 percent of sponges tested dishwashers which contain the bacteria salmonella and Escherichia coli (E. coli).

Use a sponge repeatedly to clean utensils, and even wash sink (the sink), causing the sponge into a comfortable place for the gathering of germs.

"Sponges are also generally located in the humid and wet environments because of overnight soaked in liquid soap. This is an environment that is conducive to the proliferation of germs," ​​said Cheah Dr.Emily

In his research, the researchers distributed dishwashing sponges and cutting boards with the 25 new households to be used for 7 days. Then after that sponges and cutting boards are collected and examined.

In a study conducted in September 2011 that found 72 percent of households use the same sponge to wash dishes and clean the area of ​​the sink and cutting board.

According to Cheah, these habits will increase the risk of cross contamination because it comes in contact with the equipment used to prepare meat.

"When a sponge is used for all purposes will increase the risk of bacterial contamination. This is high risk in people with low immunity such as children and elderly people," he said.

The experts recommended that the sponge replaced every two weeks. To prevent bacterial contamination from raw meat, it is advisable to use a different cutting board used to cultivate vegetables or cooked food.

In addition to periodically replace, it is recommended also to dry the sponge in the sun or in the microwave after disuse.


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