Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Often bloated after eating? Avoid consuming a row of these vegetables

bloating can be caused by certain foods in your diet, or by eating too much at once. There are many factors that affect flatulence. In some cases, some are even caused by unexpected things.

According to the NHS, flatulence is a common condition that affects most people at some point in their lives. It's annoying isn't it? As a result your stomach will feel swollen and certainly certainly not comfortable.

Generally, you will be at risk of getting strong winds and abdominal pain during bloating. For that you have to avoid one of the vegetables that can cause flatulence that you experience, as reported by Okezone from Express, Wednesday (11/28/18).

Yep! Broccoli vegetables are one of the vegetables that you have to avoid, because they produce gas, causing problems in the stomach. Broccoli includes vegetables that contain soluble fiber, a type of fiber that is difficult to destroy and when it reaches the large intestine it can cause gas.

"You need to know that broccoli is a type of cruciferous vegetable that can cause bloating in your stomach," according to Stephanie Clairmont, a dietitian. Not only that they contain sulfur, which can break down your large intestine to make hydrogen sulfide or some kind of gas.

"Vegetables that contain carbohydrates also cannot be solved properly by the human stomach so that they are not digested," he said.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Drinking Milk Helps Reduce Fat in the Stomach

Milk is a source of vitamins, minerals, and various essential nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to health. But do you know that drinking milk can help reduce waist circumference and reduce weight?

Milk is not only rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium which maintain bone health. Calcium in milk seems to help break down fat in the body and prevent fat absorption.

Milk contains healthy fat which functions to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Milk is also low in calories but high in protein that helps build muscle mass and supply energy.

More than that, milk also contains a hormone that can prevent hunger called peptide YY (PYY). By drinking milk, we will be full longer, but do not have to worry about getting fat.

The Times News Now page mentions a number of studies showing evidence of milk can prevent obesity and gain weight. How to add milk to the daily menu to reduce weight?

Don't be confused, milk is a flexible material that can be add
ed freely to the diet. You can pour milk during breakfast with oatmeal, smoothies, coffee, and so on.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Prevent Colon Cancer with Fruits and Vegetables

You can reduce the risk of premature death by eating healthy, balanced, including portions of fruit and vegetables in everyday life. Not only that, regular exercise is also important to increase life span.

As reported on the page, Tuesday (11/27) each person must do at least 150 minutes of intensity activity every week. Making a few small diet changes can also help increase your life expectancy.

For that, avoiding premature death by eating a healthy, balanced and regular exercise can reduce the risk of symptoms of colon cancer. This deadly disease is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the UK.

Most cases arise from the growth of polyps in the intestine. About 40 thousand new cases are diagnosed every year in the UK.

"You can reduce your risk of colon cancer by avoiding red meat and processing," said Dietitian Juliette Kellow and Nutritionist Sarah Brewer.

According to him, each part of the intestine is functionally different and responds to certain foods. "Foods rich in fiber and probiotics promote intestinal health, while processed foods are linked to disease. Limit red meat to no more than 500 grams a week and avoid processed meat altogether, "he said.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Vegetable Protein is the Best to Reduce Weight

Plant-based proteins or plants have been shown to be the best for reducing and managing body weight while increasing insulin resistance. Health expert Susianto Tseng said the latest research showed that plant proteins turned out to be the best for weight management.

"Vegetable protein as part of the vegan diet is the best for weight management and insulin resistance," said the UI alumni doctor on Saturday (11/24).

Susianto who is also the Secretary General of the Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS) cited a study published in "Nutrition and Diabetes". He added, the researchers from the Physics Committee led by Hana Kahleova, M.D., compared the plant-based diet to the control diet in 75 overweight participants.

"Those who take a plant-based diet have a greater reduction in body fat and an increase in insulin resistance," he said.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Consumption of These Foods To Sleep Better

Many people find it difficult to sleep in the summer or when the dry season is in the tropics because it is hot and sweaty at night. Dietician in Australia, Sharon Natoli says food is basically a natural sedative.

"Simple foods, such as eggs at night can be a natural tranquilizer during sleep. This is because egg whites help the body produce melatonin which causes drowsiness," Natoli said, quoted from Cosmopolitan, Thursday (11/22).

Egg white is also rich in amino acid tiptophan which stimulates the brain to sleep longer and more soundly. The habit of eating ice cream before going to bed is not the best way to sleep.

University of Queensland researcher Peter Poortvliet said the body will produce heat to digest food. Putting something cold, like ice cream into the body actually lowers body temperature.

"Eating foods rich in calories can increase body temperature," said Poortvliet.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Aquafaba, Water Beans Decoction is Beneficial

The discovery of aquafaba is a gift for people who choose the vegan lifestyle. Its use can be used as mayonnaise and marshmallow.

Reported in The Guardian, aquafaba is easier to shake than egg white to make mayonnaise. Can also be used to make meringues.

Aquafaba is boiled water from chickpeas or garbanzos, peas, and other legumes. Naturally, this water is full of proteins and saponins so it can be processed like egg white.

To make aquafaba rich in protein, soak beans in plenty of water overnight. Drain, pour with one liter of fresh water per 200 grams of peanuts and bring to a boil. Wait until boiling, strain the foam, then cover and cook for another one to two hours until the beans are soft. Let cool, then enter in the refrigerator.

One that can be used by using aquafaba is mayonnaise. Of course these food additives are avoided by vegan because they are made from eggs. However, by using aquafaba, it is safe to eat.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Hot Water Baths Can Help Beat Depression

Depression is a mental illness that is far more complex than we imagined. Maybe many people say drinking a cup of coffee or continuing to think positively can relieve depression, but it turns out that this is not proven.

In fact, research says exercise every day is proven to reduce symptoms of depression. But not everyone likes to exercise or has the energy to do it. The good news here is that a new scientific study claims that this one activity can actually have some practical and easy effects.

A group of researchers from the University of Freiburg, Germany, studied 45 participants who suffered from depression. People are divided into two groups. The first group was instructed to take a hot bath at 40 degrees Celsius every afternoon for 30 minutes.

While the second group was asked to do aerobic exercise for 40-45 minutes twice a week as reported by the Times Of India. After eight weeks, the state of participants' minds was measured with the help of a scale of depression.

The first group to take a hot shower scored six points lower than their score before the experiment. While groups that do aerobic exercise only score three points less than their previous score.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Healthy with Turmeric drinks

As one of the kitchen ingredients, turmeric is often processed to make the dishes more colorful. The yellow-orange color is often used to make curry, curry or sauce.

But in addition to ingredients, turmeric also has a myriad of health benefits. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammation which has been used for hundreds of years for treatment.

Making it into a drink or wedang is one of the most popular ways to consume turmeric. Wedang turmeric is the right way to get health benefits from turmeric. The following are the benefits of turmeric steeping drinks reported from Health Line.

Relieve symptoms of arthritis

Wedang turmeric has a very strong anti-inflammatory content and can help relieve swelling in arthritis patients. A study says that the active ingredient in turmeric, also called curcumin, is effective in reducing pain in osteoarthritis patients.

Helps prevent Alzheimer's

A number of studies are still looking for what causes Alzheimer's disease. However, scientists found that the content of curcumin in turmeric can help prevent the disease. Meanwhile, the antioxidant content prevents the danger that can lead to Alzheimer's.

Monday, November 12, 2018

5 Healthy Benefits Behind Durian

A pungent odor makes some people not like the durian fruit very much. In addition, not a few people also consider that durian is a fruit that is not so healthy. Is it true?

Health Fitness Revolution reveals that this exotic fruit actually has quite a number of healthy benefits for the body. The following are five of them.

Pressing Appetite

One portion of durian contains around 20 percent of the calories needed by the body per day. While the fat content in one cup of durian that has been chopped is 13 grams of fat. The fat contained in durian is a type of fat that is good for the body.

This large amount of fat can help your stomach feel full for a long time. As revealed in scientific research, adequate fat intake can reduce the amount of food intake in animals and humans.

Slow Aging

Aging is a natural process that will be experienced by every human being. But the aging process can be slowed by several attempts. One of them is to get enough antioxidants.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

US FDA Proposes Mentol Cigarette Ban

It is widely known that cigarettes are harmful to health. Menthol cigarettes actually cause a greater health risk and are more difficult to stop than usual. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submitted a proposal to implement a ban on menthol cigarettes nationally.

According to the FDA, the adverse effects of menthol cigarettes on public health, confirmed in 2013, are likely to be associated with increased smoking initiation by adolescents and young adults. The reason, maybe because menthol helps reduce throat irritation caused by cigarette smoke.

While the tobacco industry rejects the FDA's findings, the proposal to ban menthol cigarettes has long been awaited by supporters of public health. Quoted from the Indian Express, supporters of a healthy lifestyle have been very concerned about the high percentage of African-Americans who are addicted to menthol cigarettes.

Data noted, menthol smokers from African American races were three times the number compared to white smokers. But there is little information about the health effects of menthol cigarettes compared to non-menthol cigarettes.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Meet the Body's Liquid Needs with Fresh Water, Not Taste

Experts recommend to meet the needs of liquids with fresh drinking water, not colored or flavored water. Healthy hydration is the adequacy of the volume of water in the body that is adjusted between the needs and characteristics of the fluid (chemical / physical / biological) so that it does not cause health problems.

The publication of 7 (European Journal of Nutrition) 2018 shows 78 percent of children, 79 percent of adolescents, 72 percent of adults from a total of 3,644 participants have fulfilled their fluid needs. In fulfilling the liquid, fresh water is a contributor to total fluid intake for all ages (76 to 81 percent).

However, Indonesian people are still high in consuming sugary drinks which are shown by 24 percent of children, 41 percent of adolescents, and 33 percent of adults consume 1 portion (250 ml) of sugary drinks per day. Professor in the field of Nutrition from Arizona State University, USA, Prof. Stavros A Kavouras said the results of the 7 study showed that Indonesian people already had an awareness of fulfilling healthy hydration.

"The total fluid intake of the Indonesian people has increased, but this has been accompanied by an increase in sugary drink intake. Excessive intake of sugary drinks can significantly increase the risk of obesity, diabetes mellitus and can cause other diseases, such as the kidneys, "he said after a press conference of The 2nd Indonesian Hydration and Health Conference (IH2C), in Jakarta, Wednesday (7/11).

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Organic food can reduce the potential for cancer

Choosing organic food can be confusing. We know that organic eating reduces pollution in our body, especially against hormones, chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides. Now, scientists better understand the importance of reduced exposure to human health.

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found a significant reduction in developing cancer in those who ate organic food. The study involved around 69 thousand French adults, more than three quarters of them were women in their 40s and compared the consumption of organic products with cancer rates for around four years.

Those who consume organic food are 25 percent less likely to get cancer as reported by Mindbodygreen. In addition, they reduced the odds of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by 73 percent and postmenopausal breast cancer by 21 percent. Even those who do not follow a very healthy and balanced diet but choose organic products have a lower risk of disease.

The researchers argue that this finding is not always surprising, because consuming organic foods reduces the amount of pesticides in the body, which has been linked to cancer. Although this is only the beginning of research and more data is needed, this is exciting news for healthy-minded people.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Up early Bring Health Effects Better for Women

Getting up early always brings more goodness, including for women. The new study revealed that those who wake up early have almost half the time to avoid being exposed to breast cancer risk from women who like to stay up late.

Bristol University scientists found that wake-up habits give 40 to 48 percent less chance of developing breast cancer. This number is approximately one case of cancer fewer than every 100 women who have a habit of getting up early.

The study also found an additional risk of breast cancer for women who sleep more than seven to eight hours per night. It is estimated to be equivalent to an additional 20 percent risk for each hour.

To produce this conclusion, researchers used information from nearly 400,000 women who had genetic information in the British Biobank. They are part of the Breast Cancer Association Consortium study.

By looking at about 450 sleep-affiliated genetic markers, such as the chronotype, the amount of sleep needed, and the risk of insomnia, scientists were able to study cancer risk independently. This study could see the risk of being released from confounding factors such as alcohol or smoking or known as the randomization technique.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Six Good Fats for You

There are several ways in the keto diet that are even known to non-keto dieters. First, dieters must reduce carbohydrate intake by at least 50 grams a day. Second, eat more fat.

It may sound pretty easy but it's actually difficult. "Almost all types of butter and oil can be consumed by keto dieters," said researcher Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy Scott Keatley, reported in the Women's Health Mag.

Basically there are several types of fat that are important and can still be consumed. One of them is saturated fat found in butter and coconut oil. When consumed actually the body will be fine.

This type of saturated fat can indeed increase LDL cholesterol levels or that is not needed by the body. However, saturated fats also produce good HDL cholesterol. This type of fat is also needed by the body.

Some types of fat from food ingredients are recommended during the keto diet. Next is the list.

Fish and Fish Oil

Keatley said fish oil contains polyunsaturated fat in long chains. Simply put, fish oil contains omega 6 and 3, as well as fatty acids. "This type of fat cannot be made by our body," Keatley explained.