Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Five Anti Acne Foods

Acne is a problem that everyone has. There are some people who decide to go to a doctor so that acne does not appear on the face. But there are also just buying acne medicine to eliminate skin problems.

In fact, according to experts, acne can be avoided with a balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle. Cosmetologist Pachouli Wellness Clinic Preeti Seth and Senior Cosmology SCI International Hospital Prabhu Mishra revealed some healthy foods that can make skin avoid acne.

Brown rice

Vitamin B contained in brown rice helps to cope with stress on the skin. It also helps regulate hormone levels and prevent the possibility of breakouts.


Quoted from Times of India, Tuesday (31/7), garlic contains natural chemicals, namely allicin. These chemicals can kill harmful bacteria and viruses in the body so it proves to be good for reducing inflammation in acne.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair Growth

Olive oil is always known for its amazing nature. The olive tree is mostly grown in the Mediterranean region, oil extracted from the trees is used throughout the world, and many Asians are also beginning to incorporate olive oil into the daily diet.

However, not many people know the benefits of olive oil for skin and hair. In fact, you will be surprised to learn that olive oil can cause hair growth. And, if you're wondering how olive oil leads to hair growth, here's how.

The best way to apply olive oil to hair is to gently massage it into the scalp because it's the simplest way to improve blood circulation in the head.

Another way to apply oil is to mix it with other ingredients such as almond oil, castor oil to create a magic potion, which will not only increase hair growth but also make your hair shine black.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Avoid It When Using Garlic As a Medicine

Garlic is often used as an antibiotic or natural treatment. One of the usefulness of treating viral infections.

However, you need to understand how to process garlic to make it work natural and get full benefits. Here are some things that should be avoided when using garlic as a medicine, quoted by the Daily Health Post, Friday (27/7).

1. Cooking garlic

Garlic cooked into flavor and enhance the taste of cuisine. However, when the goal for the drug, cooked garlic loses some active ingredient, namely alicine, a sulphate-containing compound found in raw garlic.

Alicin is activated when raw garlic is chopped, mashed, or chewed. Alicin becomes inactive when heated or cooked. The best way to consume garlic to get maximum cure is to eat it raw 10 minutes after being smoothed or cut.

2. In pill form

Many people do not like the smell and taste of raw garlic so choose to consume it in pill form. Unfortunately, this is not good for medicine.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Avoid It When Using Garlic as a Drug

Garlic is often used as an antibiotic or natural treatment. One of the usefulness of treating viral infections.

However, you need to understand how to process garlic to make it work natural and get full benefits. Here are some things that should be avoided when using garlic as a medicine, quoted by the Daily Health Post, Friday (27/7).

1. Cooking garlic

Garlic cooked into flavor and enhance the taste of cuisine. However, when the goal for the drug, cooked garlic loses some active ingredient, namely alicine, a sulphate-containing compound found in raw garlic.

Alicin is activated when raw garlic is chopped, mashed, or chewed. Alicin becomes inactive when heated or cooked. The best way to consume garlic to get maximum cure is to eat it raw 10 minutes after being smoothed or cut.

2. In pill form

Many people do not like the smell and taste of raw garlic, so choose to consume it in pill form. Unfortunately this is not good for medicine.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

This Reason Can not Wash Chicken Before Cooking

There are questions that often infest the mothers who will cook chicken meat in the kitchen. They wondered should the chicken be washed before cooking ?.

Most people who clean the chicken think they are removing germs by washing them. It could be that their assumption is true that raw chicken is often full of bacteria, but washing it with water has no effect whatsoever.

According to the UK National Health Service, washing chicken really worsens the problem. Flowing and splashing water can spread bacteria around sinks, tables, and even clothes.

The USDA says the only sure way to get rid of bacteria is to boil the chicken with the right temperature. This rule also applies to other types of meat and fish. Quoted from Fox News, Wednesday (25/7), the minimum temperature to cook the chicken must be 165 degrees Fahrenheit temperature or 73 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

4 Anti-inflammatory foods that can lose weight

Today there are many types and ways of diet that can be applied to help you lose weight. However, not everything is really good for health.

The most important thing about a diet is basically choosing healthy foods, one of which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Here are four foods rich in anti-inflammation, quoted from She Finds.


According to nutritionist, Colette Heimowitz, Salmon contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants called astaxantin. Wild salmon contains even more omega-3s than cultivated salmon.

Salmon also contains lots of vitamin D. Research shows that lack of vitamin D can cause fat accumulation.


Almost all types of berries, including blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in fiber. Berries also contain a natural sweet so it is not necessary to worry about eating in large quantities.

Monday, July 23, 2018

10 Perfect Foods Recommended by Nutritionists

Some people think soy is a healthy and perfect food, but some think it 'poison' when eaten too much. Some people think fruit is included in a healthy diet, but others think it contains high sugar.

Then some people think that milk should be shunned because of fat, and others think that the Greek yogurt food is perfect. All this conflicting information can make consumers very frustrated.

Do not get confused, based on The Thirty page, here are some healthy foods that have been summarized, and can be a new suggestion for you. These are healthy foods that have been approved 100 percent of nutritionists:

1. Blueberry

Michelle Babb, dietitian and author of Anti-Inflammatory Eating for a Happy, Healthy Brain says, there are at least 15 types of phytonutrients found in blueberries and all are powerful antioxidants that protect almost every system in the body. Antioxidants keep damage to cells, tissues, and muscles and are important for heart health, brain health, and exercise recovery.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

5 Beverages Causes Damaged Teeth Damaged

Soda alias soft drinks are known to be bad for dental health. Too much to drink soda can cause tooth decay so it is advisable to replace it with water. But what about the other drinks?

Apparently, there is a good drink to the body but at the same time potentially damaging the teeth. Here's a list of drinks with veiled effects that should not be taken too much, quoted from the Men's Health page.

Fruit juice

Fruit juice, especially oranges, lemon, lime, and pineapple potentially more quickly coat the teeth with acid and sugar. To prevent the risk of enamel erosion, sensitive teeth, and tooth decay, it is more advisable to consume them in the form of whole fruit.

Tea and coffee

The acidic nature of coffee can cause the enamel erosion slowly and trigger sensitive teeth. Accustomed to giving plenty of sugar in coffee or tea that is regularly drunk also can accumulate into tooth decay.

Energy drinks

Energy drinks have the same high acid and sugar content as soft drinks. Frequently drink it raises high levels of sugars and acids in the mouth. However, water is the best form of hydration for the body and teeth.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Going to Beach Can Change Atmosphere

Sunbathing on the beach or maybe surfing on weekends sounds tempting. Activities on the beach seem to be able to release fatigue and make the mood or mood for the better.

Quoted from NBC News, Tuesday (17/7), a study reveals spending time at sea is good enough for the welfare of one's life. According to an analysis of British census data published in the journal Health Place, those living on the coast have better physical and mental health.

In a study published in the Journal of Coastal Zone Management, study participants living in homes with sea views felt calmer than those who did not. Why all that could happen?

Clinical psychologist Richard Shuster PsyD says the blue color is much associated with a sense of calm and peace by many people.

"Gazing at the ocean really changes the frequency of brain waves and makes us light meditatively," Shuster said.

In addition, the sound of the waves coming and going unnoticed stimulates the brain. Sally Nazari PsyD reveals, these voices activate the parasympathetic nervous system that allows one to relax.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Relieves Migraines with These Foods

Migraine can make the sufferer feel a very heavy headache. Although associated with genetic abnormalities, migraine can also be influenced by environmental factors, lifestyle, diet and hormonal imbalances.

"Pulsed to the head, ranging from moderate to severe intensity, are common manifestations of migraine," said bariatric counselor and nutrition specialist Dr. Shurti Sharma as reported by Indian Express.

Sharma says migraines can be found in both adults and children. This condition is more common in women. Migraine is also known to make the sufferer experience nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia.

One characteristic of migraine is the presence of a pulsating attack next to the head that repeats and lasts up to 72 hours. The usual physical activity of everyday life can worsen migraine symptoms.

Stress, lack of sleep and the environment are some things that can trigger the occurrence of migraine. Avoiding these trigger factors can make the migraine control better. "Many women also experience migraine headaches before or even during menstruation," Sharma continued.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Too Much Avocado Consumption Risky Against the Heart

Avocado has a myriad of health benefits for the body, from the inner organ to the eyes, skin and hair. Therefore, not a few people who insert the avocado into the diet.

But in addition to having many benefits, avocado can also give bad effects if consumed in excessive every day. As is known, avocados contain very high fat.

"I always convey to the patient to eat any fats sufficiently, including fat from the avocado," said cardiologist Dr. Andrew Freeman quoted by the Daily Mail.

According to Freeman, for people with potential heart disease, should not consume excessive avocado. In addition to high fat, avocados will also contribute many calories in the body.

Nutritionist Tammy Lakatos-Shame acknowledges the fat contained in the avocado helps the body in the absorption of many vitamins, especially vitamin A, D, E and K. For example, when eating avocado with carrots, avocado will help the absorption of vitamin A to the maximum.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Alcohol Affects Brain More Compared to Cannabis

Legalization of marijuana and alcohol is increasing in many countries. More and more studies are exploring the potential dangers of both. A new study shows that when it comes to brain health, alcohol proves more damaging.

Scientists at the University of Colorado review existing imagery data to see the effects of alcohol and cannabis or cannabis in the brain. Their findings linked alcohol consumption with significant long-term changes in brain structure.

Study leader Rachel Thayer from the Department of Psychology and Neurology together with her colleagues reported the results in the Journal of Addiction.

"It is estimated that about 22.2 million Americans use marijuana and it becomes the most commonly used 'drug,'" Thayer said, quoted by Medical News Today on Wednesday (11/7).

In the US, marijuana is increasingly legal for treatment and recreation. As a result of the law changes, researchers are trying to find out more about how marijuana can be beneficial to health, as well as what damage can be caused.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Scientists Now Categorize Diabetes So Five Types

A recent study published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology. The study, led by Professor Leif Groop of the Diabetes Center at Sweden's Lund University and the Finnish Molecular Medical Institute, proves that people with diabetes get better benefits and better treatment if the disease is categorized into five types, not just two types that are known to the public.

In the United States, about 30.3 million people are living with diabetes. This does not include gestational diabetes, which is diabetes that develops during pregnancy. In general, diabetes is only grouped into two types, one and two.

In type-1 diabetes, pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin, or hormones that regulate blood sugar levels are attacked and destroyed by the immune system. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form, accounting for 90-95 percent of all cases. This occurs when the body's cells stop responding to insulin or beta cells and can not produce enough hormone.

Researchers analyzed data from four cohort studies. The study included 14,775 adults in Switzerland and Finland who were all diagnosed with diabetes. Scientists looked at body mass index (BMI), age at diagnosis of diabetes, hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), blood sugar control, beta cell function, insulin resistance, and the presence of diabetes-related autoantibodies. Researchers also conducted genetic analysis of the participants, then compared the progress of the disease, complications, and treatment they had undergone.

Quoted from Medical News Today, Wednesday (11/7), this study revealed five different forms of diabetes. Three were severe and two were light.

Diabetes cluster-1

Severe autoimmune diabetes is now known as type-1 diabetes. The sign is lack of insulance, the presence of autoantibodies. It was identified as attacking 6-15 percent of the study subjects.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Best Drug Wedding for the Heart

Protection against heart disease and stroke can be obtained from marriage. There are at least 34 studies published in the 1963-2015 medio that support the evidence.

The study involved more than two million people in the 42-77 year age range in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Scandinavia. The researchers compared the health of married, never married, divorced, or widowed widows. Those who fall into the last three categories are 42 percent higher risk of death from coronary heart disease, and 55 percent higher due to stroke.

Researchers in the UK also found divorce raises the risk of heart disease in female men by up to 35 percent, and widows or widowers increased the risk of stroke by 16 percent. Those who never married 42 percent were more likely to die of heart attack than those who married. The findings have been published online in the Journal of Heart on June 18.

"Future research should focus on whether marital status is a marker for improving a poor lifestyle or whether marital status is a risk factor itself," said Keele University professor at Stoke on Trent, Mamas Mamas, quoted by Web MD on Friday / 7).

Monday, July 9, 2018

Foods Antidote Cancer

Every year cancer affects millions of people around the world. Although the deadly disease has no precise cause of origin, various reasons such as poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, and heavy toxic food consumption may contribute.

While many may argue that nothing can be done to stop the cancer, but there is always something to try. Start with foods that can be included in the daily diet that might help prevent cancer.


As reported by the Indian Express page, Monday (9/7), green vegetables are helpful in fighting prostate cancer, colon and bladder. It is rich in fiber and contains sulforaphane, a very powerful compound that boosts the body's protective enzymes and secretes cancer-causing chemicals.


Oranges contain vitamin C and antioxidants, which are necessary to prevent cancer. Eating citrus-rich fruits can reduce the risk of many other diseases such as reducing cholesterol, losing weight and making skin look younger. Note, when eating grapefruit do not mix it with other foods so that your body can consume its benefits completely.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Is Nutritious Avocado Seeds to be Eaten

Avocado fruit has many benefits for the body. Not only the meat part, recently, the seeds in it were also consumed by some people, is there any benefit as well?

Some time ago, scattered an upload showing an avocado that had been cut off. The seeds are cleaned and then finely chopped and mashed using a blender.

Those who do so claim that the avocado seed powder can be added to smoothies and baked to provide fiber, antioxidants and extra nutrients. Other supporters claim, the seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and oil content can make hair look more shiny and younger skin.

"I hate wasting food," vegan blogger Elena Wilkins, who has been eating avocado seeds since 2013, told Well + Good.

Wilkins recounts the moment when he began to consume avocado seeds. At that time he ate avocado meat, it's just from one fruit just part of the seed is large enough, and it will be very unfortunate if it should be immediately discarded.

Then, he chose to destroy the avocado seeds. Because it tastes bitter, so it is most often consumed with something else to mask the taste.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Eat Fish Minimum Twice a Week

Eat fish at least twice a week to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Based on the study of the American Heart Association (AHA), consuming about three-four cups of fish in fine form every week is better than not eating fish at all.

Fish that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon, mackarel, herring, trout, sardines, and tuna. However, in general all types of fish contain health benefits because the fish is a highly nutritious protein rich foods.

Eat a variety of fish, or other seafood. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism says fish and other seafood help you get healthy life with your partner, and increase fertility.

"Our study shows that seafood is beneficial for reproduction, including accelerating pregnancy, and encouraging more frequent marital activity," said study author Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston, Audrey Gaskins, quoted by Consumer Healthday, Wednesday (4/7). ).

The research, funded by the US National Institutes of Health, surveyed 500 couples in Michigan and Texas for one year. All couples are in a condition of planning a pregnancy. They recorded the amount of seafood eaten, as well as the daily journal of activity with the couple.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Beware, 5 This Food Can Trigger Joint Pain

Joint pain is a health problem that can interfere with the ability of one's movement and productivity. Generally, joint pain is triggered by various factors such as other diseases, age to physical activity as well as strenuous exercise. What is rarely realized is, joint pain can also be triggered by the wrong food selection.

There are various studies that have proven that some foods can trigger joint pain. Here are the five foods as reported by the Times of India, Tuesday (3/7).


Despite its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has shown that consumption of tomatoes can lead to joint pain. In the study, as many as 20 percent of people with gout reported tomatoes as a trigger for joint pain.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

4 Ways of Drinking Disadvantages Can Harm the Body

Meeting the needs of body fluids is one of the most important factors in maintaining health. Lack of fluid intake will cause dehydration which can trigger various other problems. One that is pretty much known is headache due to dehydration.

Lack of fluid intake can basically harm the body in various ways, in addition to causing headaches. Indian Express revealed there are at least four other health effects that may occur due to lack of fluid intake. The following are the four harmful effects.

Bad breath

Saliva produced in the mouth contains enzymes that can help the digestion of food. Saliva also serves to clear bacteria from the tissues of the mouth and tongue.

Dehydration can affect salivary production in the mouth. The more dehydrated a person is, the less saliva there is in the mouth. This condition can cause bad breath.

Eyes Go Deep and Dry

Dehydration can also affect eye health. In people who suffer from dry eye conditions, less water asipan can make dry eye symptoms that they feel is getting worse. Some research also revealed that lack of drinking water can make the eyes 'drown' and getting into the head and make eyes swollen.

Dry Tongue

Not drinking enough water can make the tongue dry due to reduced salivary production. Dry tongue can provide an uncomfortable sensation in the mouth while making the tongue more difficult to move.