Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fruit, Coffee, Tea Can Also Reduce Cancer Risk

Besides there are foods that are harmful to the body and can increase the risk of cancer, there are also foods that can actually reduce the risk of getting cancer. These foods are rich in nutrients to potentially prevent cancer.

Reporting from the Business Insider page, to reduce the risk of cancer, you can eat healthy foods that are rich in nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Besides helping to stay full and well-nourished, fibrous foods reduce your risk of colon cancer. The health of the large intestine will keep everything running smoothly in the digestive system.

Vegetables and fruits colored like celery, kale, carrots and tomatoes contain beneficial phytochemicals. That's what gives them color, smell, and taste.

Phytochemicals reduce inflammation and act like swallowed body guards, keeping things from being eaten, drinking and breathing so as not to become carcinogens. Phytochemicals can also help prevent DNA damage and repair it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pomegranate Helps Lower High Blood Pressure

Stress because work and daily life can lead to blood pressure problems. Having high blood pressure can reduce the schedule and limit yourself.

No wonder high blood pressure is called the silent killer. Because there are no signs that can help control the disease in its early days.

Limiting salt consumption is mentioned as a way to keep blood pressure levels organized. In addition, it can also be consumed with pomegranates.

According to a study in the UK, drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day can reduce drastic systolic readings. This study survey was conducted on a number of people.

They were given 500 ml of pomegranate juice every day for four weeks and after that they reported a sharp decrease in their blood pressure levels. These people also noted a decrease in their weight level and felt less bloated than usual.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Press Cancer Risk with Onions

Onions are often used in various dishes to add flavor. No wonder that many recipes use onions, both onion, onion and garlic.

Apart from that, the onion which is a vegetable from the genus Allium turns out to have health benefits. Several previous studies revealed vegetables from the genus Allium contain bioactive substances such as flavanols and organosulfur.

Recent research also shows a link between consumption of onions and prevention of cancer, especially colorectal cancer. This study was conducted by a research team from First Hospital of Chinal Medical University and has been published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cinical Oncology.

Based on a study involving 833 colorectal cancer patients and 833 healthy people, the research team found a significant relationship between the level of consumption of allium or onion vegetables and the risk of colorectal cancer. According to this study, adults who ate the highest allium vegetables had a 79 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than adults who ate a small amount of allium vegetables.

"The more the amount (consumption) of allium vegetables, the better the protection," said senior researcher Dr. Zhi Li as reported by Medical News Today.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Benefits of Salt for Skin Health

Salt has been used more as a cooking ingredient. But not many know that salt can be used to maintain healthy skin, one of which is powerful enough to make skin glow.

In addition to glowing skin, broadcast Femina Inn, here are some benefits of salt for the skin if routinely applied.

1. Skin peels naturally

Salt is natural exfoliation as well as sugar. On the face, salt helps lift dead skin and lightens the complexion. Salt can also make the skin softer and improve skin texture over time.

2. Clean thoroughly

Unlike sugar, salt has antimicrobial properties. This content makes the bacteria unable to grow properly. The antimicrobial content helps kill and destroy bacteria.

3. Balancing oil levels in the skin

The combination of absorbency and antibacterial effects on salt can help deal with acne. This combination can even balance oil levels on the skin of the face. To get this benefit, the use of any salt infusion product in the form of toner is highly recommended.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Five Superfoods Missed

Diet keto menjadi lebih populer di kalangan masyarakat. Tagar untuk diet ini juga menjamur di media sosial.

Makanan keto terdiri dari sekitar 70-80 persen lemak, sekitar 20 persen protein, dan sekitar lima bara. Itu berarti karbohidrat baik dan buruk pada diet keto. "Buah-buahan, sayuran bertepung dan umbi-umbian seperti parsnip, kacang-kacangan, lentil, pemanis, makanan yang dipanggang, jus, smoothie," kata Ahli Gizi pada Pelatih Makanan di Kota New York, Carolyn Brown, RD, Kesehatan. .

Membatasi asupan karbohidrat dari roti putih dan makanan panggang ide yang buruk. Namun, jika Anda ingin mengonsumsi vitamin, Anda bisa mengonsumsi vitamin dan mineral yang penting.

Di bawah ini adalah lima makanan kaya yang memberikan manfaat kesehatan yang besar, tetapi tidak bersahabat dengan diet keto:


"Apa pun diet terbaik untuk Anda, sayuran harus benar-benar di garis depan dan membuat setengah dari piring Anda," kata Brown. Berkaitan dengan kemampuannya untuk mengatasi masalah kronis, menyediakan serat, fitonutrien, dan jumlah besar yang bisa kita pertahankan tetap kenyang.
Misalnya dalam wortel, setengah cangkir wortel kecil atau wortel bayi (sekitar enam) menghasilkan enam gram, sekitar 10 persen dari asupan harian yang diberikan untuk diet keto, yaitu sekitar 50 gram per hari.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

White Water Increases Thinking Ability

No doubt some drinks such as green tea, juice or smoothies have health benefits. However, there are also other drinks that can cause problems such as energy drinks.

A number of energy drinks when consumed in large quantities can make the heart beat irregular and make the drinker always feel anxious. Not many realize, water that seems simple actually provides tremendous benefits.

Increasing the consumption of water even affects one's thinking process. In one study, respondents consisting of adults did a test that tested cognitive abilities.

Previously, they were asked to fast for one night. Participants who drank 500 milliliters of water before the test showed cognitive improvement when asked to make a decision.

Previous research has shown how drinking water affects moods when participants are faced with a number of problems. Participants can respond quickly.

Monday, February 11, 2019

This Food Helps Eliminate Fat from the Digestive System

Some foods can regulate your digestion. You can also add this food to your long-term diet because it can burn fat.

Then what are these foods? First is Bali Oranges. This fruit can get rid of fat quickly from your digestive system.

You can maximize fiber intake by consuming it in fresh form. Drinking a glass of pomelo juice can provide the benefits of burning fat,

In the journal "European Journal of Nutrition" published in March 2011 explaining the components in grapefruit, Naringen stimulates the production of amino acid carnitine. Carnitine allows your body to burn fat faster, according to the "Journal of Physiology" published in April 2011.

But that must be considered, as reported by the Strong Live, Monday (11/2), avoid consuming sweet grapefruit products. Also avoid adding refined sugars in pomelo juice.

Second, chili. Chili has a unique capacity to increase thermogenesis or the number of calories you burn when digesting food.

Capsaicin, a compound in chili increases your metabolism up to 20 minutes after consuming it. You can also use chili as a substitute for saturated fat, sodium or sugar to spice up your soup and sauce. This can reduce fat content and make a healthier diet.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Know the 5 Healthy Benefits of Lemongrass

Lemongrass is one of the kitchen spices that is quite commonly used in Indonesian dishes. Besides being able to improve the taste of cuisine, lemongrass also has many health benefits.

The health benefits of lemongrass come from various healthy ingredients in this herbal plant. One of them, lemongrass is known to be high in antioxidants which can effectively control cholesterol in the body.

The composition of nutrients in lemongrass is quite good, especially for the body and mind. Inside the lemongrass is vitamin B1, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and folate. Lemongrass is also a good source of minerals, especially minerals such as zinc, iron, copper, potassium and calcium.

Natural Food Series has summarized various healthful benefits of lemongrass for the body. The following are five benefits.

Relieve insomnia

Lemongrass tea and lemongrass oil are effective in calming the nerves. Both can facilitate sleep while improving sleep quality. There's nothing wrong with drinking a glass of lemongrass tea which is added a few drops of lemongrass essential oil before going to sleep to sleep better.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Not Only Trendy, Cheese Coffee Turns Many Benefits

Following the popularity of cheese tea, a cheese coffee drink that combines cheese and coffee is now starting to gain popularity. Although it looks like a strange combination, cheese coffee is considered to have a very delicious taste.

Not only that, cheese coffee drinks are also considered to have several health benefits. Here are three benefits of cheese coffee drinks, as reported by Timesnow News.

Helps Lose Weight

Coffee is considered as one type of beverage that can help efforts to lose weight because of the amount of calories. As is known, there are only about two calories in a cup of black coffee.

Cheese may have more calories than black coffee, but cheese also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. Cheese also has a good amount of protein and saturated fat. Therefore, cheese coffe drinks are considered to be one of the delicious beverage options for losing weight.

Low Carbohydrate

Coffee does not contain carbohydrates. On the other hand, 100 grams of cheese only contain 1.3 grams of carbohydrates. In other words, cheese coffee drinks have a fairly low carbohydrate content.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Fasting Increases Metabolism and Against Aging

Recent studies to explore the effects of fasting on the human body have concluded that fasting increases metabolic activity more than previously realized. In addition, fasting can also provide anti-aging benefits.

Research shows alternating fasting can help certain people lose weight. However, researchers are still in the debate regarding how to effectively fast to lose weight. This new research provides clues to other benefits.

For example in mice, studies show fasting can increase age. Although interesting, this evidence in humans has not been seen. The latest study, which the author has now published in the journal Scientific Reports, is getting new facts with fasting diets in humans.

"Recently aging studies have shown that calorie restriction and fasting extend the effect on age in animal models, but the mechanism in detail remains a mystery," said the study's first author Takayuki Teruya, reported on Medical News Today, Tuesday (5/2).

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

What Fat to Eat

When people hear the word fat, many people immediately raise a red flag around it. It is important to know that 30 percent of the food consumed must contain fat. Because cell membranes and everything in the body grow with the help of fat.

You have two choices, fats that do not have additional health benefits or fats that have additional health. Which one will you choose?

"On the way to motivating many people to have healthier lifestyles, I want to invite many individuals to shift their focus to better fat," said Nutritionist Emilia Achmadi, during the Bertolli media gathering in Jakarta, some time ago.

He said the average person with a healthy weight is recommended to get around 20 to 35 percent of the daily calorie intake from good fat. Besides functioning as a fuel for your body, fat also plays an important role in improving brain function. Believe it or not, 70 percent of the composition of the brain is fat, so supplementing a diet with good fat is very important.

"Fat is good for you. Current fat is not limited to what percentage for consumption. What is the maximum percentage but adjust to your needs and choose healthy fats," he added.