Sunday, April 24, 2011

Energy Saving Lights Cause Cancer

Although friendly in the bag, but it turns out energy saving lamps is very dangerous for human health, because the spread of chemical substances when the lights turned on. 

German scientists warn not to leave the lights were turned on in a long time near the head, because there is a release of toxic substances.

Peter Braun is testing the lights at Alab Laboratory in Berlin said, "It's important to keep as far as possible such carcinogenic substances of the human environment."

As reported by the Telegraph (20 / 4) of such lamps have been used extensively in the UK, following the directives of the European Union to replace the traditional incandescent light at the end of this year.
Toxic substances emitted when energy saving lamps that lighted include phenol, naphthalene and styrene.
According to Andreas Kirchner from the Federation of German engineers, electrical smoke that appears there when the lights turned on.
"I therefore menngunakannya sparingly. Do not use in rooms with no ventilation and did not in the right place at the head."
Meanwhile, British experts advise consumers not to panic.
"An independent study more in depth needs to be done to support the German research today," said Dr. Michelle Bloor, senior lecturer of environmental science at the University of Portsmouth.
UK Department of the Environment insisted that energy saving lamps are safe, despite the fact that there is little that out if mercury glass lamp breaks.
The results support the reports that German scientists Abraham Haim professor of biology at the University of Haifa, Israel, which say that the bulb can increase the risk of breast cancer if used at night.
According to Haim, bluish light produced by CFLs nearly matching the sunlight during the day, so disturbing the natural processes in the body. Compared to traditional incandescent lamp that emits a yellow light, energy-saving light triggers the production of more of the hormone melatonin.
Migraine Action Association has warned that energy saving lamps can also trigger migraines (headaches). While the skin specialist said that the intensity of the emitted light rays that can aggravate skin problems suffered by the patient .

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