Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Anti-Diabetic Substance Discovered In Sweet Root

Recently scientists from the Max Planck Institute Berlin Germany found levels of anti-diabetes agents called amorfrutin in plants "sweet root" or liquorice. Or liquorice Glycyrrhiza glabra in the Latin language has been widely used in the manufacture of candy or drinks. In fact, as has been shown in traditional medicine since ancient times, liquorice was selected as "2012 medicinal plants".

The study results show, amorfrutin not only reduce blood sugar levels, but also capable of functioning as an anti-inflammatory and very well tolerated by the body. In other words, liquorice may be also suitable for use in the treatment of complex metabolic disorders.

Even from the results of experiments conducted on mice, amorfrutin also prevent fatty liver - a disease usually caused by the intake of foods high in fat.

"The health benefits are based on the fact that the work of amorfrutin molecules directly fixed to the receptors in the nucleus, called PPAR (gamma)," said Sascha Sauer, one of the principal investigator.

PPAR (gamma) plays an important role in the formation of fat cells and glucose metabolism.

Sauer explained, amorfrutin molecules can activate various genes that reduce plasma concentrations of certain fatty acids and glucose. Reduction in glucose levels will prevent the development of insulin resistance - a major cause of diabetes in adults.

"Although there are already drugs on the market that affect the PPAR (gamma) receptor, but it has not been proven effective and safe, because some of them cause side effects such as weight gain and cardiovascular problems," said Sauer.

While based on the results of research conducted to date, amorfrutin quite effective and well tolerated by the human body.

"But that does not mean that by drinking a tea made of liquorice or liquorice consumption could cure diabetes," explained the researchers.

"Because the concentration of substances contained in liquorice is still too low," Sauer added.

Researchers reveal, effort pengembangkan special extraction process to obtain amorfrutin substances from the plant in sufficient concentrations. If this succeeds, then it can be used to produce extracts amorfrutin on an industrial scale. Furthermore, the researchers added, amorfrutin not only promising for the treatment of complex metabolic disorders but also may be suitable as a prophylactic treatment (prevention).


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