Saturday, April 7, 2012

Autism Around You

On 2 April is celebrated as World Autism Awareness Day. More precisely by the WHO today is World Autism Awareness Day. Some of the agenda is carried out in order to commemorate this day aims to increase our awareness of the disorder austisme around us, especially in children.

Twenty years ago, probably not many people understand this disease. Even when I was in college of medicine in the early 2000s was "booming" diagnosis of autism has not been a lot like now. I predict when it might be the better understanding of children with autism as children who have mental retardation or commonly known by the child's first idiot (note: the longer the term is increasingly missing from the grammar of everyday and this is a good sign because this term is stigmatic ).

Although it is more than 70 percent of patients with autism have mental disorders, there are fundamental differences between autism and mental disorders. For more details, I will describe what the symptoms and signs of autism by using bullet points to be easily understood. Previously, I would describe it a little foretaste of what autism.

Autism is included in the soul of pervasive developmental disorder that usually begins before the age of 3 years. The apparent inability of social interaction and communication disorders is the last and most clearly seen in patients with autism. A pattern of behavior and restricted interests or sterotipik (typical and are repeated) is one of the others. 70 percent of children with autism are mentally retarded and this is probably the first misunderstood as mental disorders rather than autism. Until now the exact cause of autism is unknown. The involvement of biological factors is confirmed by several studies that revealed an imbalance in the system in the brain of children with autism.

Signs and symptoms
A. Difficulties in social interaction are evident:
There is no eye-contact
-The difficulties associated with peer age appropriate developmental levels
-Difficulty in sharing pleasure with others
-There is no reciprocal social relations

B. Difficulties in communication
Hampered or non-verbal skills (no effort other non-verbal)
-If it could talk, it is difficult to communicate adequately with others
-The use of repeated words, do not aim
-Not being able to play a role in spontaneous appropriate level of development

C. There is interest, behavior and activities streotipik (typical) and recurrent
-Preokupasi (tendency) to conduct certain streotipik
-Conduct regular ritual that does not aim
Streotipik motor-Motion (mannerism) as pat hand (flapping), gestures are not intended

Until recently the treatment of pediatric patients with autism combined biological therapy (with drugs) and also with other therapies such as sensory integration, speech therapy, behavior therapy, occupational therapy and various other types. Development of more treatments using a variety of other therapies such as music therapy and dance therapy. Treatment aims to reduce behavior problems often arise, improve language skills and communication and makes patients more independent.

Although nearly 2/3 of patients with autism are unable to live independently, a few others with appropriate and intensive therapy can increase his independence. Treatment with current drugs aimed at reducing behavior problems. Given drug is typically the class of antipsychotics such as risperidone and aripriprazole the latter has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use as therapy in patients with autism.

One of the most important in patients with autism governance is cooperation with the parents of patients. Acceptance of the conditions of his parents is sometimes very difficult, so this could result in denial of governance is good for patients. So much information is sometimes exaggerated to make parents confused to determine appropriate therapies for their children. Not to mention offer a wide range of therapies that are all saying nice. My advice go to the doctor or practitioner who really understands autism disorder both in terms of biological, psychological and social environment.
Hopefully this information useful

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