Sunday, April 1, 2012

Do not Be Forced Child Fat

Some parents want their children by feeding excess fat as it will look cute and adorable. However, this action is wrong because the child is at risk of future heart disease and stroke.

"Heart disease and stroke normally infect people at the age of 40 years and over. Cause is often started in these patients were children," said Chairman of the Association Keseminatan Kardioserebraovaskular Indonesia (Ikki) Lukman Hakim Ma'mun, Friday (30/3) in Denpasar, Bali.

Therefore, from an early age children should be given a healthy diet with a regular pattern and not excess to prevent the buildup of cholesterol plaque in blood vessels.

Heart attack and stroke is caused by the symptoms asterosklerosis. Asterosklerosis This is the buildup of cholesterol plaque is deposited on the walls of the arteries. As a result, the walls of the arteries harden and narrow. This condition causes the blood can not flow to vital organs like the heart (heart attack) and brain (stroke).

Lukman warned that the threat of heart attack and stroke in Indonesia is increasing. The disease is mainly triggered by an unhealthy lifestyle and stress.

Therefore, on 30-31 March 2012, the Ikki organized a "Post Satellite Meeting International Symposium on Atherosclerosis 2012 in conjuction with 11th Holistic Approach in Cardiovascular Disease Symposium" in Denpasar, Bali. This event specially discuss the latest developments and treatment of disease prevention kardioserebrovaskular (heart, brain, and blood vessels).

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