Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sit or Squat Toilet, Where Better Health

Some people enjoy sitting defecating in the closet, the reason to ease up and look more relaxed. Meanwhile, some other more afdol if using a squat toilet because it was already used. Choose one of two ways this is okay, but what about from the point of view of health, which means a healthier shitting?
In a study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Dr. Dov Sikirov exposing a sitting or squatting during bowel movements affect much on comfort in the bathroom.

He instructed a number of respondents to attempt a bowel movement in three different positions. There is a bowel movement on the toilet seat 16 inches tall, sitting on the toilet 12 inches tall and squat over a plastic container. Each respondent was also asked to record the time they defecate and what is measured in a four-point scale of difficulty.
The study shows, when someone squatting position, it takes 51 seconds to move the stomach. While sitting on the toilet when the position is higher, people need 130 seconds to move the stomach. In addition, people who defecate squatting more comfortable and easier.
Another study conducted by Japanese researchers. They studied the fluid that is released from the rectum either in a sitting or squatting position. From the X-ray video recordings revealed, anorectal angle formed starting from the rectum increased from 100 to 126 degrees when respondents moved position from sitting to squatting. Researchers studied the possibility of a reduction in the desire to push while squatting.
Straining during bowel movements closely associated with the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids occur when veins in the anal swelling, while the pressure when pushing will cause the blood vessels dilate.
Hemorrhoids can be caused by straining during bowel movements, constipation, sitting for long periods, rectal infections, or diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver. This disease can occur internally and external. Symptoms such as itching in the rectum, pain and tenderness around the anus, there was red blood in the stool, pain during bowel movements and appear hard lump around the anus.
So, based on a number of research studies it can be concluded that using the squat closet relatively more profitable than the health because it can facilitate the process of disposal. But to be sure which one is best for you, all of course is up to taste, habit and convenience.

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