Monday, September 25, 2017

Avoid These Foods For Acne Free Skin

What we eat does affect the skin condition. This is not just a myth, but it has been proven through research. For example, about the types of foods that can trigger acne.

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics finds out what foods cause acne on the face. Experts involve two groups of 32 people each.

One group has clean skin, others have moderate to severe acne. Each group was asked to fill the food diary book for five days and blood tested.

About 61 percent of respondents believe that the food they consume affects their skin, and that's true. The cause of acne facial skin is apparently not only derived from oily foods. In fact, participants with severe acne are those who eat high carbohydrate and high glycemic foods.

The food glycemic index is determined by how quickly a person's blood sugar rises after the food is consumed.

Some foods with high glycemic content and high carbohydrate content consist of white rice, baked potato, spaghetti, sweet cakes, and white bread. Foods with low glycemic levels include fruits with high fiber content, red beans, cashews, and whole serelia.

The researchers theorize that the dietary factor plays a large role because it stimulates excessive insulin production. This increases the concentration of hormones known as insulin growth factors, causing the androgen hormones to be released, which then pushes your skin to produce more oil. After countless processes, it finally comes acne.

However, that does not mean should not consume foods containing carbohydrates again. You just need to reduce the amount of consumption. If the condition of the skin becomes more serious, consult with an expert physician.

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