Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Betel chips To Prevent Premature Ejaculation

State University of Yogyakarta students successfully processed into chips betel betel leaf that was able to prevent premature ejaculation. Even not only prevent premature ejaculation, betel chips were able to stimulate the central nervous and thinking power, increasing peristalsis and relieving snoring.

Novita Goddess Larassati, Urla Tri Wulanzani, Faithful Paranita and Dita Kristanti, these three students who managed to make innovation the betel chips. According to Novita, new innovations are triggered because the betel leaves are rarely consumed by the public. Whereas in the ancient tradition, even widely consumed betel leaf with its tradition of women who called menginang. Menginang is chewing betel leaf with gambier, betel nut, and lime.

"Betel leaf has many benefits such as to overcome bad breath, canker sores, and make the teeth stronger. It is unfortunate when the betel leaves are not consumed by the people," he explained.

He continued, the selection of chips as processed betel leaf betel leaf is so liked by all circles. Betel is a healthy snack chips are not only delicious but also healthy.

Betel nut contains arecoline in all parts of plants that are useful to stimulate the central nervous and thinking power, increasing peristalsis and relieving snoring. In fact, the leaves contain eugenol which can prevent premature ejaculation, eradicate the fungus Candida albicans, and are analgesic or pain relief. Betel nut also contains tannins that are useful to reduce the secretion of fluid in the vagina, protecting liver function, and prevent diarrhea.

Urla Tri Wulanzani added that betel leaves contain chemicals such as essential oils, hidroksikavicol, kavicol, kavibetol, allylprokatekol, karvacrok, eugenol, p-cymene, cineole, caryofelen, kadimen estragol, terpenena, phenyl propada, tannins, and so on. "Because of the completeness of the content of this chemical compound of betel leaf has a very broad benefits as medicine," said Urla.

Associated with the manufacturing process, chips require materials such as betel leaf betel, rice flour, salt, nutmeg, coriander, turmeric, eggs, garlic, water, and cooking oil. In the meantime, this betel chips managed to get funding in the Higher Education Student Creativity Program (CRP) in 2011 in the field of entrepreneurship.

Source: kompas.com

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