Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fruit juice worsens High Blood Pressure

During this community assess fruit juice is a healthy drink. But research from Australia found that regular drinking fruit juice instead lead to high blood pressure. The problem is not the fruit that is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber but high in sugar content.

"Despite juice contains essential vitamins, juices have a high sugar content with a low fiber," said Dr. Matthew Pase, researchers from Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Australia.
"Consumption of bottled juices with added sugar of course increase the intake of sugar, something that is typical of the style of Western public consumption. This is actually exacerbate the prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease," he said.
British Society blames fruit juice as one of the causes of obesity and diabetes epidemic in the UK. The reason, one packing 250 ml fruit juice contains 115 calories which is equivalent to the consumption of seven teaspoons of sugar. One can of cola contains 139 calories.

The World Health Organization recommends we consume sugar to no more than six teaspoons every day.

Sugar is also blamed for making your child's teeth become damaged. One of eight children in the UK have tooth decay from the age of three years. In other parts of the UK rate of tooth decay was three times more severe.

Dental problems in children is often caused by parents who spoil the child with sugar-rich beverages such as fruit juice in a bottle. Dentists recommend parents to give the child water and milk only.

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