Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Know How to Properly Eat These Foods Ingredients

Did you know, not all types of nuts, apples, or even vegetables are eaten by us will bring the same benefits as are eaten by others.

There are many factors that can affect the amount of nutrients we get from food diasup. For example, how to cook, how these foods are harvested, other complementary food in the dish, until the bacterial flora in the gut, a big influence on how much benefit we can.

According to Kristin Kirkpatrick, nutrition experts from the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Instititue, there are the most appropriate ways to consume these foods. You also need to know that a raw diet as it is now being trend is not always the best.

1 Potato 
The most common way to eat potato is fried, mashed, or baked. Potato is the most popular white potatoes. But a study found that ungulah potatoes turned out best benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cancer. Purple potatoes and white potatoes are superior because it has a high amount of polyphenols and reduce the effects of the blood sugar response.

2 Carrots 
Although carrots in small pieces makes it easier to chew, but it was cut up carrots can reduce the nutritional content. Because it after cleaned and washed carrots should be included in the pot in the form intact. Carrots should be cooked rather than eaten raw. The cooking process will increase the amount of carotenoids in it.

3 Tea 
Research has shown that adding milk to tea could reduce some of the cardiovascular benefits available in tea. What about green tea? Replace sweetened by adding a little juice. Vitamin C in the juice can help improve nutrient bioavailability of green tea.

4 Garlic 
Research shows that garlic aged for approximately ten minutes after it was destroyed, will release an enzyme called allicin. These enzymes can help reduce the risk of heart disease by making platelets not easily stick in the blood vessels.

5. Salad Dressing 
Although now widely sold salad dressing (salad mix) free of fat, but the fat actually has many benefits. For example, to make the stomach full longer and make us feel more satisfied after eating green vegetables.

6 Apples & Pears 
Let the ripe fruit a little! A study found that the maturation process allows the breakdown of chlorophyll in ripening apples and pears, which in turn generates more active antioxidants in the fruit.

7 Broccoli 
Broccoli without a doubt is one of the best foods for the body. One of the benefits of this vegetable is to prevent cancer. A 2008 study found that steaming is the only method of cooking that can maintain, and even increase, the cancer-fighting component of broccoli. Boiling and frying is the worst cooking methods.

Other than steamed presentation tips is to add something spicy broccoli into the dish to enhance its robustness against cancer.

8. Mustard 
Mustard in any form is an incredible spice to add to sauces, salads and sandwiches. To get the benefits as anti-inflammatory, you should select a simple mustard. Yes, it's yellow mustard was more helpful because it contains a component called curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric).

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