Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8 Vegetables Good for Kidneys

The kidneys are important organs that function to remove waste from the blood and regulate the level of fluid in the body. To keep the kidney system running smoothly, you have to eat vegetables, avoid fat, processed foods that are a lot of sodium and saturated fat.

In addition, there are certain types of vegetables whose benefits stand out more to cleanse, purify, protect and improve kidney performance.

Reporting from Boldsky, the following are some vegetables that are considered good for kidney health.

Red paprika

This vegetable is known to be kidney-friendly because of its low potassium content. High potassium levels in the blood can make it difficult for the kidneys to eliminate them, causing chronic kidney disease.

Red peppers also contain powerful antioxidants such as vitamins C, A and B6 and other nutrients such as folic acid and fiber.


Cabbage is free of potassium which is beneficial for your liver and kidneys. These vegetables are also rich in phytochemicals that help fight cancer-causing free radicals.

In addition, cabbage contains important nutrients such as fiber, vitamin B6, K and C and folic acid, which makes cabbage add value to a kidney-friendly diet.


Garlic can be used as food ingredients or eaten raw. Garlic has diuretic properties that help remove excess sodium and water from your body by forcing the kidneys to release them through urine.

Garlic also protects the kidneys from the harmful effects of heavy metals such as lead. These herbs have the power to reduce inflammation, fight infections, cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol and act as natural antibiotics.


These vegetables offer folic acid and fiber which cleanse the kidneys and strengthen them. Cauliflower is also low in potassium so it can be consumed by people with chronic kidney disease.


Asparagus contains asparagine which has a cleansing effect, also prevents kidney stones and facilitates kidney function and helps increase cellular action in the kidneys. Asparagus is also a source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.


According to the National Kidney Foundation, we have vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and other important minerals that help the kidneys function properly.


Spinach is a very good source of vitamin A and is needed for the production of healthy epithelial tissue, which lines small filtration tubes in the kidneys and urinary tract. The function of this network is for secretion, selective absorption, protection, transport and transport sensing. Spinach also contains beta-carotene which is important to enhance the immune system and protect your eyes.

Peas and green beans

Both of these green vegetables are low in potassium and are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber is needed to keep blood sugar levels stable. The most important thing is to manage or prevent excess weight gain and diabetes, which are the main causes of kidney disease.

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