Monday, August 27, 2018

Electronic Cigarettes Duplicate Heart Attack Opportunities

The emergence of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) is considered a 'healthy alternative' to smoking and helping people not to be addicted to tobacco cigarettes. But a new study has given a new understanding to users of electronic cigarettes.

According to the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the use of electronic cigarettes every day has the potential to double the chances of a heart attack. What's more, new research shows that most of those who use electronic cigarettes continue to smoke tobacco. The use of both is the most common pattern among vape or electronic cigarette smokers in this study.

The report's senior author, Professor Stanton A. Glantz said using both products simultaneously is more dangerous than one or the other. Glantz later revealed his research report was the first to show the long-term implications of electronic cigarettes.

"Someone who continues to smoke with electronic cigarettes every day increases the likelihood of a heart attack with five factors," Glantz said, quoted from, Monday (27/8).

While the report focuses on the chances of heart attack effects, there are reports that suggesting the use of electronic cigarettes is a safer choice. The UK Public Health Report (PHE) suggests vaping only causes a small portion of risk and can be a useful tool for those who try to quit smoking.

"Our new review reinforces the finding that vaping has a risk of a small portion of smoking (tobacco), at least about 95 percent less dangerous and a risk that is meaningless to observers. However, more than half of smokers mistakenly believe vaping is as dangerous as smoking or not knowing, "said Director of Health Improvement at PHE, Professor John Newton.

PHE actually advises anyone who wants to quit smoking but has struggled to have to switch to electronic cigarettes and seek help from a professional. The lead author of the PHE report, Professor Ann McNeill said that although nicotine is addictive, it produces disease and death is smoke from cigarettes.

"It is very worrying that smokers still have a poor understanding of the causes of the dangers of smoking. When people smoke tobacco, they breathe in a deadly mixture of 7,000 smoke elements, 70 of which are known to cause cancer, "McNeill said.

Now, McNeill added, there are various alternative ways to get nicotine than before. Among other things, nicotine candy, nasal sprays, lozenges, and electronic cigarettes.

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