Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fish Oil Supplements Help Remove Stomach Fat

There are so many success stories that can reduce weight. However, another story is related to fat accumulation in the abdomen and waist.

Need more hard work to reduce fat in the abdominal circle because it is difficult to do. Most people then switch to vitamins and supplements to help eliminate fat in the body.

According to experts there is no problem in this way, however, consulting a doctor first is very necessary. One that is recommended to melt fat in the stomach is a fish oil supplement.

Anti-inflammatory fish oil supplements and loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA play a role in weight loss. "Fish oil is one supplement that I believe everyone will benefit from, and my entire family, including girls 3 and 6 years, take it every day. Research supports the abundant benefits of fish oil, "said Mohr Results Companion Christopher R. Mohr, Ph.D., RD, quoted from shefinds, Wednesday (15/8).

High quality fish oil supplements will help cells in the body. The content does not only have an effect on belly fat melting, however, it will also have a good effect on the heart, brain and skin.

But, further research has not been able to confirm the ability of fish oil to eliminate belly fat completely. It's just that, other studies that show it can help reduce hunger and curb appetite.

In a study released by Healthline, healthy people with a weight-loss diet consume less than 0.3 grams or more than 1.3 grams of omega-3 fish oil per day. The group with the highest fish oil consumption reported feeling fuller up to two hours after eating.

Other research also shows that consumption of fish oil can help increase the body's metabolism and help burn more calories. When healthy young adults take 6 grams of fish oil per day for 12 weeks, their metabolic rate increases by around 3.8 percent.

"You consume at least 1,000 mg of combination between EPA and DHA (both are types of omega-3 fats), and the key is to use brands that are molecularly distilled, do not smell or feel fishy and have a reputation as trustworthy people," Mohr said.

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