Saturday, January 8, 2011

7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Smoking

Said the Prophet, Islam forbids doing something that endanger the safety of the life of another. Smoking, one of which has become a way of life for many men and women, even including children and young people in almost all corners of the world. Despite great danger, this little guy seems a lot of rage. Unfortunately, smoking has resulted in many diseases. Even though aware of the dangers of smoking, people around the world still hold dozens of billion cigarettes smoked each day.
The number of smokers in Indonesia was ranked third highest in the world. The number of smokers in developing countries far more than the number of smokers in developed countries. The figures are very alarming considering the harmful effects of smoking will only be felt in the long term.

A stick of Cigarette Ingredients
Nicotine is the main substances contained in cigarettes. However, more than 700 kinds of chemical additives may be used by tobacco companies to increase the enjoyment of smoking. Some stuff is so toxic that even some major cigarette manufacturers will usually have a high standard to dispose of toxic materials which are very dangerous.

Passive smoking can have a negative impact is more terrible if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.
In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Cigarette smoke is inhaled by smokers and passive smokers will menganduk 43 substances known to cause cancer. That is why for the second-hand smoke can have a negative impact is more terrible if they inhaled cigarette smoke.

Losses Due to Smoking
The reason for prohibition of cigarettes that delivered many scholars because after the arguments conclude i'tibar the dangers of smoking and scientifically. Research shows, ssetiap cigarettes containing more than 4,000 types of harmful toxins.

In the Qur'an, Allah says, "And do not drop yourself in misery." (Al-Baqarah: 195).
In the context of this verse, smoking including acts that throw themselves into perdition.
Here are some diseases and the negative impact caused by smoking:

Heart Disease
Tobacco is also one major cause of heart attacks. A smoker's death from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer. Even low-tar cigarettes or low nicotine will not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use a filter to increase the amount of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes are even worse for heart than cigarettes which do not use filters.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body's need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide is poisonous. These toxic substances walked to actually impede blood flow and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so that more oxygen flow slows again. That's why smokers have an increased risk of heart disease is very high.

Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoke from tobacco contains many cancer-causing chemical. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, especially in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer in the body in a quiet place to be a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.


Heavy smokers who had for years will have emphysema.
Emphysema is a disease that gradually will make the lungs lose elasticity. If the lungs lose keelastikannya, it will be difficult to remove the dirty air. The signs are started having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. So easily out of breath. Other signs are often experiencing severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough is often times do not stop and become chronic.

Old Faster
The results of the smokers showed that smokers face men and women are more wrinkles than those who do not smoke. The process of aging is increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than nonsmokers. Even the premature aging process has already begun for the teens who smoke, such as skin wrinkles, yellowed teeth and bad breath.

Body Damage
The negative impact of smoking is not only harmful to the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to research can damage other body tissues. Dozens of diseases related to tobacco use and even includes pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for the toxicity of cigarette smoke spread everywhere through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.

Harm others
Do not mistakenly, a researcher from Japan, the City Katanoda found that passive smokers jsutru twice exposed to the disease compared to active smokers. This is due to passive smokers tend to hit 30 percent higher than active smokers.

Which is often not realized by cigarette addicts, they can cause the death of another person.
Researchers also concluded that lung cancer caused by passive prokok meneyebabkan about 1,500 women and about 650 men die each year in Japan. The researchers said that about half the estimated deaths from passive smokers inhaling cigarette smoke in the workplace.

World Health Organization (WHO) recently also released, that passive smoking contributes 1 percent of total global deaths worldwide. This number means that there are about 600,000 passive smokers who die each year due to smoking habits of others.

In Islam itself forbidden to do something that endanger the safety of the life of another. Messenger of Allah. Once said, "It should not be (cause) harm and should not be too harmful to others." (Narrated by Ibn Majah from the book Al-Ahkam 2340).

Shopping Mememorotin Daily
What is clear, obviously reduce the income to consume cigarettes daily. Better used for daily shopping that much more important than just playing around toxic fumes

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