Sunday, January 2, 2011


Celery (Apium graveolens L.) is a leaf vegetable and medicinal plants commonly used as a spice in cooking. Several countries including Japan, China and Korea use the petiole as a food ingredient. In Indonesia, this plant was introduced by the Dutch colonialists and used its leaves for tasty soup or a salad.

The use of celery is the most complete in Europe: leaves, leaf stems, fruit, and tubers of all utilized.

Celery has been known for thousands of years ago in Europe as an element of treatment and flavoring dishes.

Celery is a versatile plant, primarily as a vegetable and medicine. For vegetables, leaves, leaf stems, and tubers as a mixture of soup. The leaves are also used as a salad, or diced and sprinkled over soup, meatballs, soup, assorted other soup, or chicken porridge.
Celery (mainly men) as the medicine has been touted by Dioskurides and Theoprastus from Classical Greek and Roman times as "abdominal conditioning." Veleslavin (1596) warned not to eat celery too much because it can reduce milk.

Celery touted as an anti-hypertensive vegetables. Another function is as a laxative (diuretics), anti-rheumatic and power appetite (karminativa). Tubers possess similar properties but also used leaves as afrodisiaka (generating sexual arousal).

However, the celery has the potential to cause allergies in some people who are sensitive. Patients with kidney inflammation is not recommended to consume.

Celery plants 25-100 cm tall. Stem sided and grooved lengthwise. Having a lot of interest with a small size. The flowers are greenish white. Celery plants are classified as vegetables.

Not only as a food ingredient, celery have also been known as a medicine since the early history of Egypt, Greece and Rome. Diseases such as flu, digestive problems, spleen and liver using native plant seeds as a cure of the disease. Indonesian society has also been long known celery as a hypertension drug.

Based on research, Apiaceae family plants that contain sodium that serves as a solvent to remove calcium deposits involving the kidney and joints. Celery also contains magnesium, which functions eliminate stress.

Celery leaves contain protein, sulfur, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 and C. Based on research results, celery also contains psoralen, a chemical that destroys free radicals cause cancer culprit. High levels of sodium in celery is very useful to maintain endurance.

There are several ways that can be done to obtain the health benefits of celery, among others:

* Rural communities use the celery to cure fever in children and splash it by pounding. Celery juice from a large leafy celery can improve intelligence, resolve herpes, and mumps.

* Treatment of hypertension with a stalk of celery can be done easily. How 20 stalks celery washed and crushed. Then, given a little cooking water and then squeezed. Drinking water is two tablespoons three times daily. Do it regularly for three days. Results decoction is drunk half the morning, half the night.

* For rheumatic diseases. Take one stalk celery washed and eaten raw each meal can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

* Celery can also as a beauty treatment, such as oil menggurangi in the face, nourish hair and even eating celery can clean stains on tooth enamel. For oily face using three sticks of celery. Washed and then sliced into small pieces, pour boiling water and cover. Let cool, then store in refrigerator. At bedtime,celery juice apply to the face which was clean. After the new dry rinse face thoroughly. Do it regularly.

* For those of you who meninginkan lush hair, use the juice of five stalks of celery that was given three tablespoons of water as a smear of the head. For best results use every day. Using natural ingredients of celery as a medicine or body treatment is easily available, and minimal side effects.

Celery is also the source of chloride, and sodium pottasium. Celery is known at the level of Therapy is the "OIL celery" which had a distinctive effect on the nervous system, cure gout and rheumatism. Seseloki celery juice laced with a teaspoon of pure honey, will increase appetite.

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