Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sausage Also Containing High Salt

Limiting intake of sodium or salt diet health experts are strongly advised to prevent high blood pressure or hypertension. But keep in mind not only the sodium present in foods that are salty.

For your body to be healthy, sodium or sodium intake limited to not more than 2,300 mg or 6 grams per day (about one teaspoon of salt). Most of our sodium intake comes from salt that is appended appended to the food.
Nevertheless, the habit of eating processed foods also contribute to a high sodium intake. Soups, broths, canned vegetables, chicken noodles, sauces, sausages are also a source of sodium that has not been realized.
In a study of sausage sold in supermarkets in the UK known to 80 percent of the 300 types of sausage in there contain higher levels of salt than recommended. Containing an average of more than 2 grams per 100 grams of sausage.
"Most people can eat three or four pieces of sausage to eat. Means sodium consumed was more than 6 grams. This is dangerous because without them realizing it at higher risk for heart attack or stroke," said spokesman Consencus Action on Salt and Health, UK.
It is recommended that consumers look at labels. The label listed the amount of sodium contained in these foods. Whenever possible, choose products that contain low sodium. Also avoid the habit of adding salt to the diet. If the food was bland, add other seasonings such as lemon or pepper.
Sodium is known to make the body retain water which resulted in an increase in blood volume and makes the heart work harder to pump it. There are also studies that mention the sodium in some way damage the walls of blood vessels, making it flaky and kelupasan it can clog arteries.
A study found that reducing the salt as much as nearly one teaspoon per day can prevent strokes and heart attacks caused by blocked blood vessel.

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