Tuesday, July 9, 2013

5 Facts About Farts

You know, flatulence is the scientific term of a fart. Many people only judge of the fart downside and do not realize the benefits of the flue gas. Even some people feel embarrassed and reluctant to remove it for fear of smells and sounds harsh. In fact, medically flue gas is normal. And it was not just men who exhaust gas. And what's more unique facts about farting? Check out this one:
1. Trapped air in the BodyScientifically fart due to air trapped in the body. The air generated from the food and drinks that go into the human body. This air is then turned into gas due to chemical processes aided by bacteria in the body. While farting noise generated by compressional forces that exist in the body.

2. The smell of flatulenceGas composition in flatulence consists of 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane and 4 percent oxygen. That makes fart beraoma bad is hydrogen sulfide or sulfur content in it. Sulfur can be obtained from foods such as beans, cabbage, soda and eggs. The more our bodies contain more sulfur gas flatulence unpleasant aroma.
3. In human farts 14 times a dayThe average human produces flatulence in half a liter of gas a day. Women produce more gas flatulence in a day. A study says, although the amount of food consumed by men and women alike, women's bodies are able to produce more flatulence gas. Interestingly a calculation of the amount of flatulence menunjuukan if someone for six years and nine months, the same energy with a single atomic bomb.
4. Fart = speed of 10 feet per secondAlthough the wind speed varies, but the new scent will smell radiation after 10-15 seconds after removing it. This is because the aroma takes time to be able to reach the nose (sense of smell).
5. Fart withstand bad for healthMedically, flatulence or farting is a natural thing. Fart is one result of the digestive process. For that, a person is advised to not hold too long fart. Because, fart taken into custody would be bad for health, such as hemorrhoids or constipation.

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