Thursday, July 4, 2013

Papaya seeds Can Kill Mosquito Larva

Waste papaya seeds turned out to be useful as a natural insecticide mosquito larvae. In fact, waste papaya seeds mixed with alum, besides being a killer mosquito larvae, can also purify water.

It was the result of two studies of high school students of National Unity Yogyakarta, ES and Yashinta Jelita Irna Devi, on Reuters, on the sidelines of follow Sagasitas Research Exhibiton, 2013, in GOR Amongrogo, Yogyakarta, Thursday (4/7).

Initially the 11 second grade students had the idea to make use of papaya seed powder to accelerate flowering tree roses. Because of the information he obtained seeds of papaya contain gibberellins (plant hormones Group one function triggering flowering - Red).

However, the day turned out to be a new tree papaya seed powder rose even death. '' So we immediately swerved in order to further research. From the information we got turned out papaya seeds also contain compounds that are toxic secondary metabolites,'' said Ms. Pretty.

Then, the two students are utilizing the properties of papaya seeds toxic waste as a killer mosquito larvae. How: dried papaya seeds, then crushed mixed with alum who has also been refined, with a ratio of 1:2 for alum and papaya seeds.

Kepaya seeds and alum powder packed in mesh bags. Then immersed into water berjentik. They recently did an experiment a week ago.

"From him a small spoon of alum and two tablespoons of papaya seeds shoots wrapped in gauze and then immersed into a glass of water berjentik mosquitoes, apparently in a day can be deadly mosquito larvae," said Yashinta that time in 2011 had followed the OSN and won the bronze.

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