Monday, February 12, 2018

7 These Foods Apparently Contain Calcium

Calcium can not only be obtained from milk and derivative products. Rhiannon Lambert, a nutrition expert from Harley Street Clinic, London, UK, mentioned seven foods beyond dairy products that also contained high calcium as follows.


Probably not many people know that citrus fruits are rich in calcium. One orange contains 70 milligrams of calcium, fulfilling six percent of daily calcium requirement and a very high vitamin C intake.

FIG fruit

In addition to containing fiber and antioxidants, figs also contain a lot of calcium. Eating about five dried figs per day can consume 135 milligrams of calcium for the body.


Broccoli contains vitamin A, vitamin K, as well as important minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. This delicious vegetable also contains calcium that is easily absorbed by the body.


Suitable almonds are made into healthy snacks including foods that will meet significant amounts of calcium. Almonds also contain proteins that increase the body's energy and immunity.

Green vegetable

Green vegetables such as spinach and kale include a list of foods that are a source of calcium. Low calorie and fat-free, green vegetables are an important part that should be in the daily menu.

White bean

A serving of white beans contains about 175 milligrams of calcium. This food is also very healthy because it is rich in protein, iron, and fiber are indispensable body, quoted from page Net Doctor.

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