Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Often Seating Older Increase Cancer Risk

Sitting for hours can increase the risk of some types of cancer. During this time, sitting too long is only associated with two types of cancer, namely breast and colon cancer.

Charles E Matthews, an epidemiologist at the National Cancer Institute, said avoiding the risk of developing various cancers required more physical activity and reduced long-sitting habits.

Watching tv is one of the most frequently consumed activities of sitting. "Think light physical activity and replace with the habit of watching tv," said Matthews quoted by the Daily Mail.

Not only breast and colon cancers, long sitting can also increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head. There are at least 9 types of cancer that are ready to threaten if someone lacks physical activity.

Old sitting habits are associated with the risk of death from heart problems, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, brain disorders to cancer.

Doing physical activity at least seven hours each week can reduce the risk of death by 20 percent. If you want to lower your risk of cancer by a greater percentage, do physical activity for 25 hours per week or three to four hours per day.

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