Sunday, February 11, 2018

Really Diligent Drinking Green Tea Can Lower Cholesterol

Green tea is one of the healthy drinks that have no doubt the benefits. In fact, this tea is also didaulat as an effective drink helps lose weight.

Well, there is one more benefit of green tea that probably not many people know: natural cholesterol drugs. Is it true to be diligent to drink green tea can lower cholesterol?

We need to know that high levels of fat in the blood (especially LDL cholesterol and triglycerides) risk creating free radicals in the body, which is destructive and triggers various serious diseases. One is heart disease.

Excessive cholesterol in the body will accumulate to form plaque within the walls of the heart's blood vessels. As a result, the blood vessels will harden and become blocked. This can cause the heart to work harder to be able to pump the required blood flow.

When the plaque is getting more and more, then the work of the heart will be more disturbed and eventually can be damaged.

People with high levels of fat in their blood are three times more likely to have heart attacks than people who have normal levels of fat.

What are the causes of high cholesterol levels?

Lots of factors that can cause cholesterol levels to increase, such as:

Eat high fat foods, such as fatty meats, foods with a lot of butter, food processed by frying process, eating offal, shrimp.
Have other diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
Chronic stress, depression, and lack of social support can also increase the risk of elevated cholesterol levels.

Reveals the benefits of green tea as a natural cholesterol drug

The benefits of green tea (Camellia sinensis) as a natural cholesterol drug come from a unique flavonoid called catechins.

Catechins do not really affect the action of enzymes that break down fat, but can reduce the absorption of cholesterol and increase the ability of cholesterol in the feces.

Based on research conducted, drinking green tea for eight weeks in a row can lower LDL cholesterol levels up to 2-4 percent. In addition, those who regularly consume more than two cups of green tea daily have plasma cholesterol levels.

A decrease in LDL cholesterol can lower the risk of death from heart disease by 22-33 percent.

In addition to lowering cholesterol levels, green tea also contains various other positive side, such as antioxidants and nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are good for maintaining a healthy body.

A healthy body will be more resistant to various diseases.

Another way to lower cholesterol in addition to green tea

Apply a healthy lifestyle such as maintaining an ideal body weight, not smoking and not consuming alcohol.
If you eat milk or yoghurt, choose a low-fat one.
Eat fish 2-3 times a week.
Reduce consumption of fast food such as sausage and corned beef.
Choose fruits or nuts that are not salty as a snack when hungry.
Use olive or canola oil as cooking oil.
Eat vegetables daily.
Avoid consumption of fatty foods or foods high in sugar content, such as cakes, pastries, biscuits.

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