Sunday, February 25, 2018

These Acidic Beverages Can Ripokkan Teeth

A team from King's College London University found that consuming acidic beverages, such as fruit-flavored teas or water containing flavorings, could shed teeth. The study said consuming the drink between meals could increase the risk of dental erosion.

Reported from the BBC, Saturday (24/2). dental researchers from the British Dental Journal examined the diet of 300 people with severe tooth erosion. The study says, the problem of acid tooth grinding increases with the food consumption of the person.

"If you drink the water for a long time, longer than five minutes, or if you chew fruit for too long a few minutes, it can damage your teeth," said lead researcher, Saoirse O'Toole.

Some acidic beverages need attention and controlled consumption. Among other things are fruit flavored drinks, fruit tea, drinks for the diet, drinks containing sugar, and water with other flavorings. All of the mentioned beverages contain acid and can cause tooth erosion.

He added, if someone wants to eat apples as a snack during the day, then try not to eat foods that contain acid at night. "If you want to drink wine at night, then do not drink fruit-flavored tea in the morning," O'Toole explained.

O'Toole reminded people to balance their diet. If you have consumed acidic one at a time in one day, do not consume acidic foods again on the same day.

"Balance the food in your diet," he added.

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