Sunday, March 4, 2018

Benefits of Red Onion As a Heat Reduction

Nonpharmacology therapy or drug-free therapy is now starting ogled by the medical community as an alternative to overcome health problems (ill). In addition to be done independently, a variety of non-pharmacological therapy, has actually been familiar and plural 'inherited' by parents since time immemorial.

Although already often done, some nonfarmakologi therapy has not been accompanied by many medical studies. So many do not know how far this non pharmacological therapy can help.

This is the underlying group of NERS Profession Education Program of the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) of Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) Semarang, Central Java, conducted research on the use of grated onion to reduce fever.

Member of NERS Faculty of Nursing Education Program (FIK) Unissula, Zaliman said, among mothers, the use of red onion for non-pharmacological therapy has long been practiced.

Although, not knowing exactly what the onion content, the mothers immediately grated and then dibalurkan in the body of his son who is suffering from fever. Because the essential oil content in the onion, is believed to make the blood circulation becomes more smoothly.

"Departing from this, we do a kind of mini research," he said, while presenting a study entitled 'Differences in Body Temperature Children Fever Before and After Red Onion Compress', at Sultan Agung Hospital, Islamabad (RSI), Semarang, Friday (2/3 ).

He also explained, this study was conducted in the child care room for three days. There are four children who become respondents or research objects.

Compress grated onion is done gradually, ie the first 10 and 10 minutes the second. Performed temperature measurements before therapy and twice every 10 minutes.

From the observations, it is still clear Zaliman, the results obtained in the form of a temperature decrease of about 0.4 to 0.5 degrees Celsius.

"This therapy is done by grated onion and then smeared on the back or stomach. Can also be mixed with eucalyptus oil or olive oil, "he said.

Zaliman hopes, in the future there will be a new breakthrough about the research benefits of grated onion.

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