Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dangers of Eating Too Fast For Health

The habit of chewing food quickly can bring health problems. Heart experts say, eating fast can add weight and health problems.

NYU Heart Expert Dr. Langone. Nieca Goldberg of the American Heart Association states that eating takes at least 30 minutes. Also, avoid eating while working because this is one of the worst things for health.

"When you eat slowly, you are more conscious of your eating, you chew food properly and slow down your digestion, and it also helps you feel full," Goldberg told TIME Health on Thursday (15/3).

To reduce eating habits quickly, he suggests eating with friends, cutting food into smaller sizes, chewing more, and taking a deep breath. "Even if it's less than half an hour, it's better than doing it in 10 minutes when you answer your email."

"Eat in a conducive situation to eat-we're talking kitchen, dining room, restaurant.If at your desk you really need to not work at the same time you eat," he said.

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