Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Do not Overlook Breakfast, Here's the Impact

Nutritionist and head of Indonesian Food Nutrition Prof Dr Ir Hardinsyah said there are still many Indonesians who are not accustomed to breakfast. In addition, the quality of breakfast consumed, such as energy content, protein, vitamins and minerals also still not meet the needs of balanced nutrition.

Data in 2012 shows that 17 to 59 percent of school and adolescent students and 30.2 percent of adult women are not accustomed to breakfast. "For breakfast quality, 45 percent of schoolchildren do not meet the nutritional needs of breakfast, 70 percent have not met the needs of breakfast vitamins and minerals, and 90 percent have not meet the needs and breakfast," said Prof. Hardinsyah in a press release on Wednesday (7/3).

However, Hardinsyah then explains how breakfast habits among elementary school students in Indonesia have increased over the last five years. Surely this is an achievement for all parties involved in the 2018 National Week Movement (MESSAGE) movement as more and more Indonesian families are getting breakfast benefits, ranging from increasing the concentration and intelligence of children, instilling disciplinary habits, maintaining normal nutritional status, to decreasing the risk of multiple events non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, he said.

In addition, he also describes how skipping breakfast can interfere with productivity because the body quickly tired, not energized, difficult to concentrate and increase the risk of weight gain.

To get maximum benefit from breakfast, Indonesian Food Nutrition advises people to refer to the 6J guidelines when preparing a healthy breakfast with balanced nutrition. First, the type of food and drinks at breakfast: carbohydrates, protein (side dishes), vegetables, fruit with drinks such as water, milk, coffee, tea or juice.

Second, the recommended amount of food meets the daily nutritional needs. Third, the breakfast schedule within two hours of waking, recommended before 09.00. Fourth, the process stance is recommended uncomplicated food processing and save time for nutrient content in food is not much lost. Fifth, the stance of preparing an interesting presentation to arouse appetite and variety of food so as not to get bored. Sixth, the stance of eating not to eat hastily, while walking or running.

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