Thursday, June 28, 2018

These Five Anti-Inflammatory Foods Help Lose Weight

Various foods with different colors and nutrients turn out to contribute to one's appearance. Make sure the food menu has complete nutrition such as protein, fiber, good fats, and carbohydrates.
Better yet, the food consumed is useful as an anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory). Therefore, inflammation in the body causes hormonal imbalances that increase abdominal fat. This will make weight loss difficult.
Here are five delicious foods that fall into the category of anti-inflammatory.
1. Avocado
IFit nutritionist Michelle Alley says avocados make a person feel full longer. This green fruit is also a natural anti-inflammatory that contains unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamin A, C, E, K and many vitamins B. Alley suggests avocado consumption with 100 calorie doses.

"It helps you see the avocado as a healthy fat than a fruit," Alley said, as quoted by SheFinds, Tuesday (26/6).

2. Turmeric tea
Turmeric contains curcumin as an anti inflammatory and natural antioxidant compound. Turmeric tea can be taken in the morning or afternoon. Turmeric will detoxify cells and help remove fat in the abdomen.
3. Salmon
Savorfull nutritionist Stacy Goldberg says consuming wild Alaska salmon reduces inflammation in the body. The reason, omega 3 fatty acid helps the body burn fat. Choose wild salmon instead of farm salmon because it has more omega 3.
4. Walnuts
Walnut is an anti-inflammatory diet high in omega 3 fatty acids. RD Avocado Grave Nutrition & Wellness, Melissa Groves says recent research shows people who eat walnuts feel less hungry and have better impulse control when exposed to seductive foods. A handful of walnuts can be a healthy afternoon snack.
5. Eggs
Nutritionist Andrea Wise says the body benefits actually exist in egg yolks. Protein and healthy fats in eggs provide a sense of satiety. Research shows people who eat eggs for breakfast lose weight and more fat than people who eat breakfast with bagels and cereals.

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