Monday, October 22, 2018

10 Foods to Avoid Hypertension

High blood pressure is a frightening disease because it has several symptoms but puts people at greater risk of heart disease or stroke. A large number of people have been diagnosed but many more suffer from hypertension and do not know it. High blood pressure can be managed enough with changes in diet and lifestyle.

Avoid sugar and salt because they are a major factor in hypertension. You must limit your intake of sugar and salt. In general, healthy people should not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day as reported by Pop Sugar.

Our bodies need sugar to function properly, but most should come from sources such as whole fruit instead of candy or even juice. Here are 10 foods that should be avoided when exposed to high blood pressure.

1. Processed peanuts

Canned vegetables, especially nuts, are high in sodium because they are preserved. Dry beans and then soaked and cooked are healthy choices of food because of protein, fiber and anti-inflammatory nutrients.

Adding nuts to food can also help keep blood sugar stable. If you eat canned beans, you can remove up to 41 percent of the sodium content by rinsing it in a filter before preparing it.

2. Canned soup

You might be surprised to find out how much sodium is in various types of premade soup. Sodium in soup also concentrates when cooked. If really pressed for time, look for canned soup or a bottle that is labeled as low sodium or reduced salt.

3. Canned Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be modified to be stronger so that they do not bruise as long as picking, shipping, and stacking on the shelf. This also makes them pretty bland.

That's why canned tomato products require a lot of sodium to make sauces. Of course a lot of sodium or salt is not good for people with high blood pressure.

4. Meat Packaging

Packaged meat also depends on sodium to maintain the product for a long time. You only get food filled with salt and preservatives. Instead, buy meat directly from the butcher to get fresh products that have not been soaked in giant saltwater barrels.

5. Frozen food

Frozen food may have been cooked for up to a year before you actually eat it. Large amounts of salt are used to ensure food still feels like food at the beginning.

6. Candy

In order for your hypertension to be controlled and just live a healthier life, train your tongue to find satiety from the natural sugar contained in whole fruit.

7. Soft drinks

One soda per day can make you consume more sugar than your daily recommendation limit. Moreover, just drinking it does not make it full. Caffeinated soda increases your energy and vitality after consumption, the feeling is very short and makes you worse.

8. Pastries

Cakes, donuts and other foods are only filled with sugar and fat.

9. Sauce

 Unfortunately not only is tomato sauce high in sugar and sodium. Most bottles, sauces and spices are full of sugar no matter the base. It is important to read the label on this product, and realize that anything that is marked with low sugar might have more sodium to compensate for.

10. Alcohol

alcohol is very bad for people with high blood pressure because it contains high sugar or is mixed with sweet drinks.

Drinking too much causes dehydration and is associated with weight gain, both of which are risk factors for hypertension. And finally, drinking more than three alcoholic beverages in a sitting position will increase your blood pressure in place.

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