Sunday, October 7, 2018

6 Arterial Cleaning Foods

Having a healthy heart is the dream of everyone. Exercising often and having a healthy lifestyle helps maintain heart conditions.

Eating quality food also has a big role to play in this. Finding quality food is not difficult, here are some quality foods that you can buy cheaply, reported on the Shape page, Monday (8/10). Not only is it healthy, but the foods below can also cleanse your arteries.


According to a 1996 study conducted by researchers in Mexico, people who like to eat avocados every day for a week experience a 17 percent decrease in total blood cholesterol. In addition, their level of bad cholesterol (LDL) decreases while good cholesterol (HDL) increases. "Instead of using mayonnaise, you better use a few pieces of avocado on your bread," said a dietitian in New York, Megan Madden.

Whole Wheat

According to Madden, the soluble fiber found in whole grains such as whole-grain bread, brown rice, and oatmeal can bind cholesterol in your food, and bring it out of the body. When your body needs cholesterol in the following days, your body will attract a supply of cholesterol in the blood. So that it can effectively reduce total blood cholesterol levels, and also reduce your risk of heart disease.
Olive oil

A study in 2011 said, people aged 65 years or older who use olive oil to cook or as a food supplement (sauce), have a percentage of 41 percent smaller to experience stroke than people who have never used olive oil.

Although olive oil has properties to cleanse the arteries, Madden suggests not to overuse it. Because all the fat, both in olive oil and other foods, contains the same amount of calories. For use, you can use olive oil instead of mayonnaise in a salad.


"Almonds are very rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, and fiber. While walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid. Changing snacks like cakes with nuts is highly recommended, "Madden said. According to the American Heart Association, monounsaturated fats can help your body reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, they can also reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.


According to a nutrition specialist dentist and alternative medicine expert, Gregg Schenider, broccoli is very rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed by the body for bone formation and also helps keep calcium from damaging arteries. In addition, broccoli is also full of fiber which can help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


Watermelon, according to a study conducted by Florida State University, can help protect your heart. The people who were given supplements contained 4,000mg of L-citrulline, the amino acid found in watermelon, had low blood pressure within six weeks. Researchers say that amino acids help your body produce nitric oxide which can widen blood vessels.

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