Tuesday, October 30, 2018

10 High Folate Foods That Are Good for Men

Not only pregnant women, folate is also good for men's health. This is because the B vitamins contained in it can help the process of producing genetic material that is important for DNA and RNA. This component also plays a major role in the formation of red blood cells.

Folate is naturally found in many foods, especially green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. In addition, many companies also add folate to food or beverage products in synthetic form, folic acid. However, folate from natural sources is still the best.


Some types of nuts contain high levels of folate. By consuming one half cup of black beans, you can get 128 micrograms of folate. Besides folate, black beans are also rich in antioxidants. For those who like sweetness, you can eat green beans instead. In one half cup of green beans, it contains 160.5 micrograms of folate.


In one half cup of cooked or boiled spinach, you can get 131.5 micrograms of folate. This green leafy vegetable contains many other nutrients such as vitamin K which can help overcome blood clots.


One half cup of boiled asparagus contains 134 micrograms of folate. In terms of taste, the asparagus is not too strong so that it can be mixed into various types of dishes.


One half cup of edamame contains 241 micrograms of folate. In Japan, young soybeans are often used as an appetizer. Edamame is better eaten by boiling it first.


Eggs are the most commonly consumed source of folate. Delicious to be enjoyed in any preparation, you will not be bored eating it either for breakfast, lunch or dinner. One large egg contains at least 24 micrograms of folate. In addition, eggs are also rich in protein.


Rich in healthy fats, avocados are the most preferred food when someone is on a diet. Avocados are always used as a complement to salads and sandwiches. One half cup of avocados contains 61 micrograms of folate.


In addition to avocados, broccoli is also always an option for those who lead healthy lives. Not only high in protein, these green vegetables are also high in vitamin C.

Chinese cabbage

Mustard is a vegetable that is most often used as a base for salads. Besides being low in calories, this vegetable contains various vitamins and minerals such as calcium and potassium. By consuming 85 grams of mustard, you can get folate intake of 116 micrograms.

Sunflower seed

Often used as snack ingredients or to add to the crispness of salads, sunflower seeds are one of the food sources that contain high levels of folate. One half cup of sunflower seeds contains as much as 152 micrograms of folate.

Chicken's liver

Chicken liver is a good source of protein with a low fat content. In addition, chicken liver is a good source of folate. One chicken liver can give you 254 micrograms of folate intake.

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