Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Drinking Milk Helps Reduce Fat in the Stomach

Milk is a source of vitamins, minerals, and various essential nutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial to health. But do you know that drinking milk can help reduce waist circumference and reduce weight?

Milk is not only rich in calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium which maintain bone health. Calcium in milk seems to help break down fat in the body and prevent fat absorption.

Milk contains healthy fat which functions to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Milk is also low in calories but high in protein that helps build muscle mass and supply energy.

More than that, milk also contains a hormone that can prevent hunger called peptide YY (PYY). By drinking milk, we will be full longer, but do not have to worry about getting fat.

The Times News Now page mentions a number of studies showing evidence of milk can prevent obesity and gain weight. How to add milk to the daily menu to reduce weight?

Don't be confused, milk is a flexible material that can be add
ed freely to the diet. You can pour milk during breakfast with oatmeal, smoothies, coffee, and so on.

If you are not fond of drinking liquid milk, try derivative products such as yogurt that has a milk-like nutritional profile. Unsweetened yogurt has the same amount of protein, calcium and phosphorus as found in milk.

But keep in mind, not everyone can drink milk even though he has a myriad of benefits. Some people sometimes have problems with milk because they cannot tolerate lactose, the sugar contained in milk and its derivatives.

On the other hand, there are also those who choose certain types of milk for personal reasons. Generally the milk consumed by the people comes from cows, buffaloes, goats, and sheep.
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