Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Consumption of These Foods To Sleep Better

Many people find it difficult to sleep in the summer or when the dry season is in the tropics because it is hot and sweaty at night. Dietician in Australia, Sharon Natoli says food is basically a natural sedative.

"Simple foods, such as eggs at night can be a natural tranquilizer during sleep. This is because egg whites help the body produce melatonin which causes drowsiness," Natoli said, quoted from Cosmopolitan, Thursday (11/22).

Egg white is also rich in amino acid tiptophan which stimulates the brain to sleep longer and more soundly. The habit of eating ice cream before going to bed is not the best way to sleep.

University of Queensland researcher Peter Poortvliet said the body will produce heat to digest food. Putting something cold, like ice cream into the body actually lowers body temperature.

"Eating foods rich in calories can increase body temperature," said Poortvliet.

The added Sleep Advisor should avoid sleeping with a fan. The fan only circulates air to make the air cooler and fresher, but can circulate dust and pollen which makes a person suffer from allergies, asthma, or hay fever.

"Pay attention to your fan. If the propeller is full of dust and dirty particles in the air, it should be cleaned first," said Poortvliet.

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