Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Healthy with Turmeric drinks

As one of the kitchen ingredients, turmeric is often processed to make the dishes more colorful. The yellow-orange color is often used to make curry, curry or sauce.

But in addition to ingredients, turmeric also has a myriad of health benefits. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammation which has been used for hundreds of years for treatment.

Making it into a drink or wedang is one of the most popular ways to consume turmeric. Wedang turmeric is the right way to get health benefits from turmeric. The following are the benefits of turmeric steeping drinks reported from Health Line.

Relieve symptoms of arthritis

Wedang turmeric has a very strong anti-inflammatory content and can help relieve swelling in arthritis patients. A study says that the active ingredient in turmeric, also called curcumin, is effective in reducing pain in osteoarthritis patients.

Helps prevent Alzheimer's

A number of studies are still looking for what causes Alzheimer's disease. However, scientists found that the content of curcumin in turmeric can help prevent the disease. Meanwhile, the antioxidant content prevents the danger that can lead to Alzheimer's.

Prevent cancer

Wedang turmeric has many ingredients that can be used for treatment. Some of them such as antioxidants and anti-inflammation can contribute to the prevention of cancer. The National Cancer Institute has recognized curcumin as an effective anticarcinogen to prevent this deadly disease.

Improve the immune system

Various ingredients found in turmeric can help increase the body's immunity or immune system. Even a number of ingredients are effective for patients affected by immune disorders.

Lowers cholesterol.

Lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) can help reduce the risk of developing several serious diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. There is a fact that turmeric is effective at doing this. One study found that low doses of curcumin can reduce LDL and total cholesterol.

Relieve eye inflammation

Some new studies have found that curcumin in turmeric is effective for treating uveitis. Uveitis is an inflammatory disease that causes swelling and inflammation in the eye tissue.
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