Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Organic food can reduce the potential for cancer

Choosing organic food can be confusing. We know that organic eating reduces pollution in our body, especially against hormones, chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides. Now, scientists better understand the importance of reduced exposure to human health.

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found a significant reduction in developing cancer in those who ate organic food. The study involved around 69 thousand French adults, more than three quarters of them were women in their 40s and compared the consumption of organic products with cancer rates for around four years.

Those who consume organic food are 25 percent less likely to get cancer as reported by Mindbodygreen. In addition, they reduced the odds of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by 73 percent and postmenopausal breast cancer by 21 percent. Even those who do not follow a very healthy and balanced diet but choose organic products have a lower risk of disease.

The researchers argue that this finding is not always surprising, because consuming organic foods reduces the amount of pesticides in the body, which has been linked to cancer. Although this is only the beginning of research and more data is needed, this is exciting news for healthy-minded people.

If you are looking for ways to pay more attention to what you put in your body, Dawna Stone experts offer easy steps to help you clear your diet. The main tip is to choose foods that have not been processed.

If processed food is unavoidable, pay attention to ingredients and try for products that have fewer ingredients and which you recognize. This way you can eliminate unwanted additive potential and go straight to the good things. After all, the benefits save lives.

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