Wednesday, December 29, 2010

7 Recipes for Health Meniran

Meniran powerful scientifically proven to increase endurance, in addition to treat hepatitis diseases, respiratory disorders, diabetes, jaundice, and diarrhea.

To process meniran into drugs, said Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association of Traditional Eastern Health Development (PDPKT), the herbs used are fresh or that has been dried with aerated.

How to use simple, for drugs taken, boiled herbs meniran 15-30 grams 30-60 grams of dried or fresh herbs. Then, drink boiled water.

Alternatively, mashed fresh herbs meniran, then squeeze. The collected water drunk. For external use, wash fresh herbs, then milled until smooth. Put these ingredients into a sick place, and then bandaged. 

Here are some herbs meniran:

1. Potion 1 (for the body swelling caused by inflammation of the kidneys) How to use: Wash meniran 50 g fresh, boiled in 3 cups until the remaining 1 ½ cups. Once cool, strain and drink ½ cup each, morning, noon and night.

2. Potion 2 (for urinary tract stones) How to use: Wash out each 30 g meniran, leaf scoop, and tempuyung. Boil in 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Once cool, strain and drink 1 cup each, morning and afternoon.

3. Potion 3 (for pain during urination) How to use: Washing 30 g meniran and leaves cat whiskers. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 ½ cups. Once cool, strain and drink ½ cup each, morning, noon and night.

4. Potion 4 (for dysentery) How to use: Wash meniran 30-60 gr. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well.

5. Potion 5 (for hepatitis)
How to use: Wash meniran 30-60 grams, boiled in 3 cups until the remaining 1 cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well. Do it every day for 1 week.

6. Remedy 6 (for night blindness) How to use: Wash 15-20 gr meniran, then steamed with 2 pieces of chicken liver. After a cold, eat her heart and drinking water.

7. Potion 7 (for rheumatic gout) How to use: Take 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves and 7 meniran cat whiskers leaves, wash thoroughly. Boil with 1 cup of water until the remaining half cup. Once cool, strain and drink as well.

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