Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Apparently Not All Healthy Eggs

In addition to tofu and tempeh, eggs are an alternative source of protein that has been chosen by the mother. Because, in addition to cheap, eggs are also believed to contain high nutrients needed by the body.

But it turns out that trust is not always true. Not all healthy eggs consumed.

Dr. Niva Saphira from Tel Aviv University conducted a study and then conclude that not all healthy eggs and healthy consumption.

Why? for health problems depending on whether or not the eggs of the feed given to the mother hen.

If the hen feed contains healthy ingredients, the eggs produced will be well taken.

However, if the hens are fed that contain unhealthy ingredients and contain chemicals, then certainly unhealthy ingredients will affect the quality of eggs. So, not all eggs eaten healthy.

Typically, eggs are not healthy to have a high cholesterol content.

Unfortunately, in plain view of consumers can not tell which eggs are healthy, and what is not. Unless held in-depth research in the laboratory.

So, there is also a good idea habits that keep people in their own village chickens in his yard. Feed given the chicken is clearly more secure, because usually the only form of food scraps.



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