Monday, August 26, 2013

Leg Muscle Pain Recovering After Sports

Once stopped practicing for a while, usually it will be difficult to start again. Conversely, if too excited, the event returned to practice this is often followed by pain in the whole leg.

According to Cedric Bryant, exercise physiologist of the American Council on Exercise, the pain is likely to come from a leg muscle injury or suffered a small tear. This is because strenuous exercise immediately after a long time we did not practice.

To restore it, we can do are:

- Drink plenty of water and walk more often to help expedite the rate of blood flow to the muscles and speed up the healing process of the muscles.

- Stretch the sore area. Straighten or pull gently, and hold for 10 seconds.

- Massage Therapy. Ask the massage therapist in the area around the sore muscles. Avoid pressing the injured part may worsen the condition of the muscle

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