Tuesday, August 20, 2013

9 Best Food Sources of Iron

Iron is a micronutrient that is essential. Iron deficiency can cause fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, until anemia. In pregnant women, iron deficiency can result in impaired growth and development and intelligence of prospective baby.
U.S. Department of Agriculture recommended iron intake is 18 mg per day. For inadequate, then make sure the following foods are always present in your diet.
LentilsOne cup of lentils contains 6.59 mg of iron. Additionally, lentils also contain fiber and vitamin A.
SpinachOne cup of spinach contains 6.43 mg of iron. One green vegetable is also rich in vitamin A, calcium, and potassium are beneficial to strengthen muscles.

White riceOne cup of white rice contains 7.97 mg of iron. White rice is also a good source of carbohydrates. Not only that white rice is rich in substances Mangan, but low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
BeefEighty-five grams of beef contains 5.24 mg of iron. Not only that, the beef is also rich in protein for muscle building.
Kidney beansOne cup of kidney beans contains 5.2 mg of iron. Although it is small, nothing is disavow the nutrient content of food on this one. In addition to iron, red beans are also known as a source of fiber, vitamin C, and protein.
OystersNot only can you find a pearl in an oyster, but also iron. Eighty grams of oysters containing 5.91 mg of iron. Oysters are also rich in calcium and natural aphrodisiac.
TomatoTomatoes are vegetables that contain iron is quite high. One cup of tomatoes contains 3.39 mg of iron. Tomatoes are also a good source of antioxidants that fight aging and disease.
Beans ChickpeasAlso known as bean garbanzi. Looks like a small yellow candle light. One cup contains 4.74 mg of iron. Nuts are also a good source of fiber that lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.
PotatoesIron content in potatoes is quite high. One small potato tubers containing 2.7 mg of iron. Potatoes can be processed into many types of food.

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