Wednesday, June 21, 2017

8 Benefits of Black Cumin Seed for Your Health

Black cumin seeds can not only be used as a curry flavor. This spice proved to have some health benefits.
Black cumin seeds are plant seeds Nigella Sativa, originating from South and Southwest Asia. It tastes bitter, has a pungent smell, and its color is black as the name implies.

You can eat black cumin seeds directly, or mix it with honey. In addition, you can boil black cumin seeds with water or milk.
Here are 8 benefits of black cumin seeds for your health are quoted from the page Boldsky:

1. Boost the immune system
Many studies have proven, black cumin seeds or oils are beneficial in boosting the immune system. Black cumin seeds have antibacterial properties and can fight pathogens. Honey and cinnamon in black cumin seed oil is a popular natural remedy for boosting immunity.

2. Curing fever and flu
Black cumin biki has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial properties, making it an essential ingredient in home remedies for fever, flu and sore throat. Black cumin seeds help the body sweat, lower the temperature and release toxins.

3. Toothache
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties make black cumin seeds ideal to treat toothache. Rubbing oil on the gums is a simple trick to fight gum infections.

4. Managing high blood pressure
Research has shown, black cumin seeds can reduce systolic and diastolic pressure. This is especially true in people who have a slight increase in blood pressure.

5. Treatment of diabetes
Black cumin seeds are believed to help type 1 and 2 diabetes patients. Because, it causes partial degeneration of pancreatic beta cells, increasing serum concentrations of inherited insulin and decreased glucose.

6. Treating constipation
Black cumin seeds help overcome digestive problems. Black cumin seeds are good for cleansing the intestines and rebuilding good bacteria there. Therefore, black cumin seeds are good for treating gas and flatulence problems.

7. Heal the ear problem
Black cumin seeds not only have antibacterial and antiviral properties that can fight off infection. However, black cumin seed oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain when injected into the ear. Squirt black cumin oil into the ear to clean and overcome the problem of infection.

8. Treating hepatitis
Black cumin seeds are exposed to its effect on the liver, as it prevents damage and disease. Black cumin seeds also prove useful against hepatitis C, because it is part of the liver's natural treatment.

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