Monday, August 28, 2017

Foods Burned Cause Cancer, Myth or Fact

Another myth about cancer circulating in the community is that food that is burned can trigger cancer. Is this myth true or not?

Chairman of the Indonesian Cancer Foundation (YKI), Prof. Dr. dr Aru Wicaksono Sudoyo, SpPD-KHOM, said the food that was burned did not trigger cancer. Because it is not the charcoal that causes cancer cells. But what materials are burned. If chicken or fish is burned even burnt though, it does not trigger cancer.

Then what food can be burned cause cancer? According to the man who also served as Chairman of the Association of Oncology Indonesia (POI) foodstuffs such as red meat that can cause cancer if burned to long. Red meat when heated will issue heterocyclic amunes. This is the substance that makes cancer.

"It's not charcoal that makes cancer, but red meat that is heated to black is what makes cancer.If chicken or grilled fish does not matter," he said in a press conference Betadine Retro Run in Jakarta, some time ago.

In addition to red meat, well processed meats are chicken or fish, this is also not good for health. For example chicken sausage and corned beef can cause cancer.

Cancer that can arise from processed meat foods is breast cancer, prostate and colon. Can even cause heart disease.

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