Sunday, March 25, 2018

6 Healthy Facts Uncooked Jackfruit

Jackfruit is one of the most popular fruits by vegetarians around the world. And there is a special reason why they fall in love with this sweet and delicious flesh.

Here are some facts about jackfruit that you may never realize and interesting to observe:

Nutrient content
In addition to rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B and megnesium, jackfruit is also a source of calcium, vitamin A, iron and protein needed by the body.

Contains Phytonutrient
These compounds are known to function to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Another benefit of phytonutrient is its ability to cure peptic ulcers.

Contains Saponins
Like phytonutrients, saponins also have a potent anti-cancer potential. According to a study released in the Journal of Nutrition in 1995, saponins have properties that prevent the growth of cancer cells in the colon.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Unsaturated Vegetable Fat Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Fat has always been a scapegoat of various diseases experienced by humans. In fact, fat is needed, even has the benefit of lowering the risk of heart disease that can cause death.

The study, presented at the American Heart Association in New Orleans, says vegetable unsaturated fats can make the risk of death lower. Fat derived from vegetable oils, avocados, peanuts and seeds will be better than unsaturated fats from animals.

"We have observed the beneficial role of monounsaturated fats for the prevention of cardiovascular mortality and the totality of plant foods is the main source," said fellow researchers at the nutrition department at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Marta Guasch-Ferre, who co-authored the paper with Dr. Geng Zong and Dr. Qi Sun was quoted from TIME, Thursday (22/3).

In drawing these conclusions, researchers look for patterns in data eating nearly 100 thousand people. Researchers follow participants for about 22 years and they must complete a questionnaire about food every four years.

During the decades of follow-up, more than 20,600 people died, about 4,500 such deaths due to heart disease. People who consume lots of vegetable fats have a 16 percent lower risk of death compared to those with lower intakes. While those who consume a lot of animal fat have a 21 percent higher risk, compared with those who do not eat much of this food.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Really Safe Essential Oil Used

Essential oils or essential oils are becoming an epidemic trend for use in various needs. Its use ranging from moisturizer, hair nurse, aromatherapy, cleaning products and others. However, is it really that essential oils are safe?

New research presented at ENDO 2018 or the 100th annual meeting of the Endocrine Society in Chicago states if essential oils, especially lavender and tea tree variants can disrupt hormones. The study was conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The study is an assertion of some research in the past that connects essential oils with hormonal disorders. Such use may lead to abnormal breast growth in young boys or prepubertal gynecomastia.

The suspicion arose when a 2007 report in the New England Journal of Medicine states, there are three 10-year-old boys identified by a Denver pediatrician having large unexplained breasts. Doctors study the children regularly and are found to use essential oils with tea tree and lavender variants.

In all three cases, when the boy stops using the product, the problem disappears a few months later. When the researchers tested the oil on human cells in the laboratory, they decided that the oil appeared to disrupt hormone behavior in the cell.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Google Auto Android Update, Users Can Unlock Mobile Phone

The driver clearly should not use the phone when operating the vehicle. But in situations where you are safely pulled over and need to access your mobile device, Google has made things easier.

Launched from Digital Trends page Monday (19/3), the company recently added an update to Android Auto that allows users swipe to unlock their smartphone while the car communication app is active.

Previously, anytime a mobile device is connected to a hands-free service, your phone is effectively incapable of doing anything (both for security reasons, but not very good for a more practical reason). With this update if it is now necessary to check the phone, you do not need to disconnect from the drive system just to get to the home screen.

After activating this new function, you will see the new car mode after unlocking the phone screen. Instead of just looking at the Android Auto logo, now also has the option to 'Swipe up to unlock'.

combination of delicious juices that can boost the immune system

Weather conditions that often change every day can affect the health condition of the body. Especially for those who have a low immune system would be easy to fall ill.

Boldsky launches on Tuesday (20/3/2018) if you are sick, it means the body needs healthy vitamins and minerals in order to build defenses in the body and protect from germs.

Here are some juices from a mixture of fruit that can boost the immune system. What are they ?

Apple, carrots and oranges

Juice from a mixture of apples, carrots and oranges contain vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and folic acid. These fruits are a winning combination to help protect the body and fight off infections.

Mixed juice of three kinds of fruit is drinking in the morning when breakfast.


Tomatoes are rich in folate that helps lower the risk of infection. There is also vitamin A, vitamin C and iron that can improve the body's immune system.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dangers of Eating Too Fast For Health

The habit of chewing food quickly can bring health problems. Heart experts say, eating fast can add weight and health problems.

NYU Heart Expert Dr. Langone. Nieca Goldberg of the American Heart Association states that eating takes at least 30 minutes. Also, avoid eating while working because this is one of the worst things for health.

"When you eat slowly, you are more conscious of your eating, you chew food properly and slow down your digestion, and it also helps you feel full," Goldberg told TIME Health on Thursday (15/3).

To reduce eating habits quickly, he suggests eating with friends, cutting food into smaller sizes, chewing more, and taking a deep breath. "Even if it's less than half an hour, it's better than doing it in 10 minutes when you answer your email."

"Eat in a conducive situation to eat-we're talking kitchen, dining room, restaurant.If at your desk you really need to not work at the same time you eat," he said.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Who would have thought, these four foods turn out to be Superfood

Increased public awareness for healthy living makes superfood more and more hunted. Avocado, salmon, coconut until the acai berry is a small part of the superfood that has been popular and became prey to health observers.

Nutritionist Ellie Krieger says the superfood trend can have a positive impact on health care. Incorporating the 'superfood' into the diet can be a good step to achieve a balanced diet of nutrition. "Focusing on some superfoods can lead you in the right direction," explains Krieger.

Krieger says some people may think that 'superfood' is limited to green leafy foods only. Though there are many types of 'superfood' that can be found by the community. Some types of superfood even a food that is rarely recognized by the public as a superfood. Here are some of them.

Peanut Pecan

Pecan nuts have a high content of antioxidants and minerals. In addition, this nut is also rich in vitamin E which serves to ward off free radicals. Vitamin E is also predicted to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, fatty liver disease, cataracts, type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Foods To Lower Heart Disease Risk

Choose low fat or low carbohydrate foods? Butter or margarine? Avocado oil or coconut oil? In the midst of so many articles on the development of nutritional research, it's hard to know which fatty foods we should eat, and how much we can eat them.

Currently, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally. As many as 80% of chronic diseases can be appeased by a healthy diet, live without cigarettes, maintain weight, and exercise regularly.

In a healthy diet, focusing on single nutrients is easy. This helps us in preventing nutrient deficiency (for example, vitamin C and skorbut).

But that way is not powerful enough as a strategy to avoid chronic illness. When talking about fat, which we must consider is the diet.

Fat and cardiovascular disease

There have been many studies on the relationship of saturated fats (contained in butter, chicken skin, livestock products, etc.) to the heart. But the results are often contrary to one another. Some say, saturated fat has nothing to do with CVD. But this study does not take into account what nutrients are replacing saturated fats.

Active Sports Protect the Body's Immune System

Many studies suggest that exercise is beneficial to health, such as preventing memory loss. New studies say, exercise is very good for protecting the body's immune system, including for people aged.

In a study published in the journal Aging Cell, researchers looked at 125 highly active cyclists between the ages of 55 and 79. Researchers analyzed participants' blood for T-cell markers, which are known to help the immune system fight infection.

Later, they compared cyclists of the same age, however, did not exercise regularly, and young adults aged between 20 and 36 years were active cycling. T-cell activity is not higher in those who are inactive, and even the twelve age cyclists also produce the same T-cell activity levels as young adults in their 20s.

"The immune system decreases by about 2-3 percent per year from the age of 20, which is why older people are more susceptible to infections, conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and, potentially cancer," says study author and director of the Institute of Inflammation and Aging at the University of Birmingham. , UK, Professor Janet Lord, quoted from Time, Tuesday (13/3).

Monday, March 12, 2018

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Be Triggered Low Magnesium Levels

Vitamin D plays an important role in body function, regulate the amount of calcium the body needs to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles remain healthy. This vitamin comes primarily from sunlight, which means it is easily obtainable during the summer months.

But during the winter, with shorter sunlight and people spending more time inside to stay warm, they may run the risk of vitamin D deficiency. New research, published in Science Daily, has now suggested that vitamin D may not be metabolized without sufficient magnesium levels, which means vitamin D remains inactive and inactive. If vitamin D does this, your body does not benefit from essential vitamins.

 Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle twitching, cramps, and can lead to more serious health problems such as osteoporosis and high blood pressure. So why is magnesium so important, besides helping the body absorb vitamins?

Nutrition and fitness instructor, Cassandra Barns revealed, magnesium is a mineral that many of the human can experience deficiencies, both in women and men, but this is very important for women.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Vitamin C, Basic Material for Wrinkle Free Skin

Benefits of vitamin C for the health of the body is much we know, but not many people know the important benefits of this vitamin for skin beauty. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is said to be the base material for having bright, radiant skin, and also disguise the lines of wrinkles because its antioxidants are able to stimulate new collagen. Although the body gets vitamin C from the intake of fruits and vegetables, but sometimes the need is not enough.

The skin also can not produce vitamin C, for that we still need to use skin care products that contain this vitamin. Currently there are many beauty products that contain vitamin C, but that really has a pure vitamin C content is not much. That's because of the difficulty of stabilizing vitamin C. "Vitamin C is of many types, if the pure form is very easy to oxidize.

After conducting dozens of experiments, Kiehl's managed to find a formula to stabilize vitamin C in large quantities, "said Education Manager Kiehl's Indonesia, Ari Martono, at a media gathering in Jakarta (8/3) The latest generation of Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing products increasing its vitamin C concentration to 12.5 percent and enriched with Hyaluronic Acid.

"This product contains 10.5 percent pure vitamin C to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and make skin look brighter, and 2 percent vitamin derivatives or ascorbyl glucoside is much more stable to reduce uneven skin tone," said Ari.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Other Impacts of Excess Salt Consumption

Excess salt intake not only affects blood flow and triggers an increase in blood pressure in the body. The habit of consuming excess salt can also trigger the occurrence of various other health problems in some organs of the body.

"So the salt is not just against blood vessels aja, but against other things from our body parts," said hypertension expert and founder of the Indonesian Society of Hypertension dr Arieska Ann Aoenarta SpJP FIHA FAsCC in the campaign Blood Pressure Check at Home (Lecture) in Jakarta.

One of the effects of excessive salt consumption habits is the enlargement of the muscle cells of the polis and the muscle cells of the heart. Excess salt intake can also damage endothelial function.

Increased salt intake can also make collagen and elastin fibers in the blood vessel increased. This increase will cause stiffness of blood vessels. Another thing that may arise from the increase in salt intake is the remake of albumin extract.

Research in Europe revealed that high salt intake also increased stroke deaths in the European Union. Another study conducted in 2002 also showed that high salt intake may increase the risk of death from coronary heart disease, due to cardiovascular disease and increase the risk of death in general.

Therefore, restriction of salt intake in the diet is necessary, both by healthy people and people who already have hypertension problems. Dairy diet or diet settings DASH low salt intake is also highly recommended for people with hypertension.

"WHO / FAO recommends (limit of salt intake) less than five grams or about a teaspoon per day," explained Arieska.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Do not Overlook Breakfast, Here's the Impact

Nutritionist and head of Indonesian Food Nutrition Prof Dr Ir Hardinsyah said there are still many Indonesians who are not accustomed to breakfast. In addition, the quality of breakfast consumed, such as energy content, protein, vitamins and minerals also still not meet the needs of balanced nutrition.

Data in 2012 shows that 17 to 59 percent of school and adolescent students and 30.2 percent of adult women are not accustomed to breakfast. "For breakfast quality, 45 percent of schoolchildren do not meet the nutritional needs of breakfast, 70 percent have not met the needs of breakfast vitamins and minerals, and 90 percent have not meet the needs and breakfast," said Prof. Hardinsyah in a press release on Wednesday (7/3).

However, Hardinsyah then explains how breakfast habits among elementary school students in Indonesia have increased over the last five years. Surely this is an achievement for all parties involved in the 2018 National Week Movement (MESSAGE) movement as more and more Indonesian families are getting breakfast benefits, ranging from increasing the concentration and intelligence of children, instilling disciplinary habits, maintaining normal nutritional status, to decreasing the risk of multiple events non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, he said.

In addition, he also describes how skipping breakfast can interfere with productivity because the body quickly tired, not energized, difficult to concentrate and increase the risk of weight gain.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Choose Ideal Food for Breakfast, Ever Try?

Breakfast is one of the most important parts to the body. Because, food first entered the body when breakfast, will affect the body's ability to continue to work throughout the day.

Choosing the right foods for breakfast becomes very important.

Well, choosing food is not an easy thing, because the morning is synonymous with rush hour and often ends without breakfast.

Or, more often the morning we end up choosing foods that are not good for the body.

Quoted from the page Pop Sugar, two nutritionists from the Guiding Stars, Kitty Broihier and Allison Stowell provide enlightenment about choosing the right breakfast.

They underline, breakfast should be balanced.

"Breakfast with enough protein like fiber and fruit or vegetables is ideal," both said.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Child Diabetes Increases 500 Percent

The case of increased diabetes in children has increased significantly in the last five years. The increase in cases of diabetes in children is up to 500 percent from the previous.

"Actually we collect data since 2011," said Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association Dr dr Aman Bhakti Pulungan SpA (K) FAAP after the launch of Sehati program with and Wardah, in Jakarta. Safe says most cases of diabetes found in children are type 1 diabetes is classified in autoimmune diseases. However, Aman also found that cases of type 2 diabetes are increasingly being found in children.

"We used to think of this type 2 as adult diabetes.Today, I just got two patients (children) type 2 diabetes," continued Aman.

Type 2 diabetes is a type of diabetes that is more affected by unhealthy lifestyles. Usually, type 2 diabetes occurs in children who get excess sugar and obesity.

This finding is certainly very worrying, considering diabetes can not be cured. To that end, Aman appealed for all parties also involved in efforts to suppress cases of diabetes in children.

"We appreciate what the Minister of Health is doing, but please, this is not just the job of health people," Aman explained.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Benefits of Red Onion As a Heat Reduction

Nonpharmacology therapy or drug-free therapy is now starting ogled by the medical community as an alternative to overcome health problems (ill). In addition to be done independently, a variety of non-pharmacological therapy, has actually been familiar and plural 'inherited' by parents since time immemorial.

Although already often done, some nonfarmakologi therapy has not been accompanied by many medical studies. So many do not know how far this non pharmacological therapy can help.

This is the underlying group of NERS Profession Education Program of the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) of Sultan Agung Islamic University (Unissula) Semarang, Central Java, conducted research on the use of grated onion to reduce fever.

Member of NERS Faculty of Nursing Education Program (FIK) Unissula, Zaliman said, among mothers, the use of red onion for non-pharmacological therapy has long been practiced.

Although, not knowing exactly what the onion content, the mothers immediately grated and then dibalurkan in the body of his son who is suffering from fever. Because the essential oil content in the onion, is believed to make the blood circulation becomes more smoothly.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sports Make Brain Younger

The findings of a new study suggest that exercise can overcome cognitive decline. Parents who diligently exercise will reduce cognitive decline up to 36 percent.

In a study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers said that parents with moderate to high physical activity had a 36 percent lower cognitive impairment risk. They also have better memory and functionality, than parents who exercise less.

Researchers monitored 6,400 people over 65 with an activity tracker for a week. They also assess people's cognitive abilities through a series of tasks.

After three years have passed, parents who have moderate to high physical activity are significantly less likely to experience cognitive problems. Precisely those who lack physical activity tend to experience a decrease in cognitive matters.

Recent reports add scientific evidence if physical activity is associated with better brain health. Exercise has been shown to improve blood flow to the brain, which can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and cells.

Food Color Purple Rich Nutrition and "Instagramable"

Ultraviolet became a trend in 2018 and has been named the Pantone color of the year as a color reference. Violet and purple shades became a trend in the fashion world. However, it turns purple not only a trend in the fashion world but also in the food world. Head of Center for Food and Nutrition Studies UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Umar Santoso, M.Sc explains, "purple power" becomes one of the food trends in the global food market expert 2017. "Purple power, natural color, colors tend to be purple like purple corn, black rice.

Black is purple mixed with black, "Umar said in a talkshow at Jakarta Creative Hub, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (28/2/2018) .However, this trend is different from the purple color trend in the fashion world, purple according to him is lambng antosianin as an antioxidant that is widely used as a natural food dye, the color purple is more prominent than other colors, although other colors according to Umar also have potential, for example red which is also an antioxidant.

Some purple foods have purple plant ingredients, such as purple yam, purple eggplant, purple cabbage, purple corn, purple asparagus, and others. "It is more nutritious and nutritious than the purple," he said. Referring to the global trend, Umar saw Indonesia actually have a great opportunity to explore it further. Like the use of purple yams or black rice. However, not a few countries that have the potential to become Indonesia's rival in developing the purple food. "His rival from Thailand, Japan.