Thursday, August 30, 2018

Watermelon Helps Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Various experiments for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are carried out with diverse results. The initial stage of a study reviewed professor and holistic health practitioner from Walden University, Dr. Debra Rose Wilson said that watermelon has the potential to replace viagra to treat erectile dysfunction.

Viagra has been helping men with sexual problems to get a satisfying sex life. However, some men feel the side effects of consuming them, ranging from chest pain to heart disease.

For men who cannot consume Viagra, watermelon can be a safe alternative without serious side effects. Why? This tropical fruit contains citrulline, an amino acid that encourages men's erectile abilities better.

Viagra increases blood flow to the penis, allowing men to erect more easily. Citrulline does the same thing, although the way it works is different from Viagra.

Numerous studies have shown the body converts citrulline to watermelon into an arginine type amino acid. Arginine then transforms into nitric oxide which opens wider blood vessels, increases blood flow to the penis, and finally overcome erectile dysfunction.

Because watermelon contains a lot of water, the highest concentration of citrulline comes from concentrated watermelon juice. The stages of this research were carried out in 2011-2017.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Too Much Good Cholesterol Is Dangerous

Good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) is not completely free of health risks for the body. The latest study revealed that too much HDL has proved to be dangerous for patients with heart disease.

Research was initiated by scientists from Emory University Medical School in Atlanta. Findings have been presented at the 2018 European Community Cardiology Congress in Vienna, Austria, but have not been published in medical journals.

Good cholesterol or HDL has long been praised for its positive effects on the body, including the ability to clean arteries and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, in people who already have cardiovascular disease, the effect does not apply.

"High levels of good cholesterol actually make patients with cardiovascular disease more at risk of heart attack, even death. HDL molecules are very complex and do many things in the body," said the study's lead author, Dr. Marc Allard-Ratick.

The researchers draw conclusions after analyzing 6,000 patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease or have a high likelihood of having it. In addition to measuring HDL levels, the team also listened to the medical history and health background of patients.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Researchers call a glass of alcohol alone dangerous

A new health study revealed the facts related to alcohol consumption. Quoted by Witn's website, even though consuming only one glass of alcohol remains a risk to overall health.

A study published in The Lancet Medical Journal last week said alcohol was a major factor in premature death and disease. This applies to men and women aged 15 to 46 years around the world.

Research conducted in 2016 said that as many as 2.8 million deaths were attributed to alcohol throughout the year alone. The conclusion of the research funded by Bill and Melinda Gates states that the safest level of drinking alcohol is not consuming at all.

Other studies have shown that drinking a glass of alcohol per day has the potential to increase the risk of developing one of 23 health problems. The increase in risk was measured by 0.5 percent compared to people who did not drink at all.

Increased risk jumped to seven percent for people who drank two glasses of alcoholic beverages per day. Meanwhile, those who are used to drinking five glasses of alcohol per day face a risk of 37 percent.

"Although the health risks associated with drinking a glass of alcohol per day seem very low, the risk has the potential to increase rapidly because people tend to drink more," said Dr. Max Griswold, the study's lead researcher.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Electronic Cigarettes Duplicate Heart Attack Opportunities

The emergence of electronic cigarettes (e-cigarette) is considered a 'healthy alternative' to smoking and helping people not to be addicted to tobacco cigarettes. But a new study has given a new understanding to users of electronic cigarettes.

According to the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), the use of electronic cigarettes every day has the potential to double the chances of a heart attack. What's more, new research shows that most of those who use electronic cigarettes continue to smoke tobacco. The use of both is the most common pattern among vape or electronic cigarette smokers in this study.

The report's senior author, Professor Stanton A. Glantz said using both products simultaneously is more dangerous than one or the other. Glantz later revealed his research report was the first to show the long-term implications of electronic cigarettes.

"Someone who continues to smoke with electronic cigarettes every day increases the likelihood of a heart attack with five factors," Glantz said, quoted from, Monday (27/8).

While the report focuses on the chances of heart attack effects, there are reports that suggesting the use of electronic cigarettes is a safer choice. The UK Public Health Report (PHE) suggests vaping only causes a small portion of risk and can be a useful tool for those who try to quit smoking.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Becoming Generous Turns Healthy in the Brain

Various calamities that have struck recently have prompted a number of parties to be more active in donating part of their wealth. This noble action was not only beneficial for the recovery of the victims, but also the donors themselves.

Neuroscience expert Professor Taruna Ikrar explained, someone who helps others will usually be happy because they see themselves meaningful in the community. In a scientific perspective, all feelings experienced by humans are the result of chemical reactions that work in the body. The chemical reaction in question is responsible for controlling all aspects of emotions, both positive and negative.

Positive feelings such as happiness are determined by the neurotransmitter or the concentration and regulation of various hormones, such as oxytocin, endorphins, or serotonin. Oxytocin is also called the essence of empathy because it is able to influence every aspect of life. Meanwhile, endorphins function to turn pain into excitement. The serotonin is responsible for triggering emotions happy and friendly and prevent depression.

Taruna Ikrar reveals, meaningful feelings occur when the concentration of the hormone oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin, epinephrine, and dopamine is stimulated in a person's brain, especially in the posterior pituitary gland.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Honey Is a New Recommendation to Overcome Cough

Honey and its processed drugs become the first line of treatment for people with cough. These suggestions are recommendations for new guidelines.

The use of honey as a cough medicine is a new recommendation from the National Institute for British Health and Excellence Care (NICE) and UK Public Health (PHE). Honey is recommended as an aim to reduce antibiotic use. This type of medication must be reduced in a doctor's prescription for coughing.

Antibiotics in many cases do not significantly improve the symptoms of coughing. Precisely with frequent consumption of antibiotics the problem of antibiotic resistance can arise. Excessive use of antibiotics makes infection more difficult to treat, by creating a drug-resistant superbug.

"Antibiotic resistance is a big problem, and we need to take action now to reduce antibiotic use," said deputy director at PHE Dr Susan Hopkins, quoted from the BBC on Thursday (8/23).

Cough will actually improve by itself without medication. Within two to three weeks the cough will subside.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8 Vegetables Good for Kidneys

The kidneys are important organs that function to remove waste from the blood and regulate the level of fluid in the body. To keep the kidney system running smoothly, you have to eat vegetables, avoid fat, processed foods that are a lot of sodium and saturated fat.

In addition, there are certain types of vegetables whose benefits stand out more to cleanse, purify, protect and improve kidney performance.

Reporting from Boldsky, the following are some vegetables that are considered good for kidney health.

Red paprika

This vegetable is known to be kidney-friendly because of its low potassium content. High potassium levels in the blood can make it difficult for the kidneys to eliminate them, causing chronic kidney disease.

Red peppers also contain powerful antioxidants such as vitamins C, A and B6 and other nutrients such as folic acid and fiber.


Cabbage is free of potassium which is beneficial for your liver and kidneys. These vegetables are also rich in phytochemicals that help fight cancer-causing free radicals.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Processed Black Pepper For Ideal Weight

Asian cuisine offers a variety of spices that are not only appetizing, but also have a positive impact on health. Black pepper, one of which helps you lose weight.

Black pepper is rich in vitamins A, C, and K, minerals, healthy fatty acids, and natural metabolic boosters. Adding just a little black pepper powder to your food can burn calories, prevent the formation of new fat cells, and reduce fat accumulation.

Clinical nutritionist Nmami Agarwal in India, Mehar Rajput said black pepper contains piperine which supports all these health benefits. Rajput suggested five smart ways to utilize black pepper in the daily diet, especially for weight loss, reported from Mid Day, last week.

First, mash and chew black pepper directly. Those of you who are familiar with the hot and spicy black pepper can chew one or two pepper directly every morning. This will increase the body's metabolism.

Second, drink black pepper tea. Do this by adding a pinch of black pepper that has been ground into your tea.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Consumption of cabbage and broccoli helps prevent intestinal cancer

Consumption of vegetables such as broccoli, kale and cabbage can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. This was revealed by researchers from Francis Crick Institute, London.

In the journal Immunity, researchers found that the vegetables contained anti-cancer chemicals when digested by the body. A chemical known as indole-3-carbinol is produced when chewing this vegetable. Acid in the stomach causes changes in chemicals which then help in controlling the stem cells that produce the intestinal lining. "Make sure this vegetable isn't cooked too well," Dr Gitta Stockinger told the Indian Express.

Just like the skin, the intestinal surface is also constantly regenerating. The process takes four to five days. However, this process needs to be monitored and controlled because it can cause intestinal inflammation or cancer.

Based on the study, the mice that became the experimental material were protected from cancer when they were given a diet high in indole-3-carbinol. Without being given this 3-carbinol indole, intestinal cells are divided uncontrollably which increases the risk of cancer.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fish Oil Supplements Help Remove Stomach Fat

There are so many success stories that can reduce weight. However, another story is related to fat accumulation in the abdomen and waist.

Need more hard work to reduce fat in the abdominal circle because it is difficult to do. Most people then switch to vitamins and supplements to help eliminate fat in the body.

According to experts there is no problem in this way, however, consulting a doctor first is very necessary. One that is recommended to melt fat in the stomach is a fish oil supplement.

Anti-inflammatory fish oil supplements and loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA play a role in weight loss. "Fish oil is one supplement that I believe everyone will benefit from, and my entire family, including girls 3 and 6 years, take it every day. Research supports the abundant benefits of fish oil, "said Mohr Results Companion Christopher R. Mohr, Ph.D., RD, quoted from shefinds, Wednesday (15/8).

High quality fish oil supplements will help cells in the body. The content does not only have an effect on belly fat melting, however, it will also have a good effect on the heart, brain and skin.

But, further research has not been able to confirm the ability of fish oil to eliminate belly fat completely. It's just that, other studies that show it can help reduce hunger and curb appetite.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Prevent Colon Cancer by Consuming These Types of Vegetables

Although influenced by genetic and environmental factors, the risk of colon or colon cancer is also related to diet. A healthy and nutritious diet is considered to be an effective effort to prevent colon cancer.

Recently, recent research also revealed that certain types of vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of colon cancer. The types of vegetables in question are vegetables from the Brassica genus, such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

When the Brassica genus vegetables are digested, indole-3-carbinol (I3C) will be produced in the body. The existence of I3C is able to prevent the occurrence of colonic inflammation and colon cancer by activating a protein called aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). AhR is known to send signals to immune cells and epithelial cells in the intestinal lining.

This is known after the research team conducted a study of experimental mice that had undergone genetic engineering so they could not produce or activate AhR in their intestines. These experimental mice were divided into two groups.

In the first group, the experimental rats were left alone. In a fairly fast time, these experimental mice experienced intestinal inflammation which then led to colon cancer.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Prevent Bloating Stomach, Avoid These Foods

Flatulence usually results from excess wind, constipation, or food intolerance. Handling conditions depends on the cause of the problem, but can be done by avoiding certain foods or drinks.

According to Rob Hobson's Healthspan Head of Nutrition, reducing soft drinks, sugary drinks, diet-labeled drinks, and alcoholic beverages is an effective way of prevention. He also suggested drinking enough water in a day.

"Don't drink too much before or during meals because it can dilute your digestive enzymes," Hobson said, as quoted from the Express page.

Foods that he thinks should be avoided when bloating are Brussels sprouts, onions, garlic, leeks, cabbage, radishes, fatty foods, apples, and watermelons. Chewing gum too often is also not recommended when flatulence.

A line of food should not be consumed or simply reduced in number gradually from the standard portion if it is a favorite food. Hobson said, the effect of bloating tends to disappear when the body is used to taking it.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Superfood Recommended Experts for consumption

Most foods have superfood labels, but do not have great benefits for the body. However, you can consume some of these superfoods, and they should be eaten more often.

Some scientists at the leading public health institutions in America have found a number of superfoods. People in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have ranked the following items in the order of how much nutrition they pack per calorie.

Research not only shows that people who eat more of these foods, live longer, than those who rarely or never eat them. But they are also associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

So start adding it to your diet, and here are some superfood foods from the Science Alert page, Sunday (5/8):

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is a source of calcium, iron, fiber, folate, and vitamins. Cabbage and cousins, Chinese cabbage is rich in calcium, iron, fiber, folate, and vitamins, and is very low in calories.

2. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is rich in fiber and folate, vitamins B6, C, K, and potassium. A small bowl of chopped raw cauliflower has only 27 calories, three grams of fiber, and two grams of protein. This material can be added a little to your next presentation.

Study Reveals the Best Vegetables to Prevent Breast Cancer

Vegetables are often referred to as healthy foods that are highly recommended in daily diet. However, what vegetables are considered the best to optimize health and prevent the body from getting sick?

A recent study published in the International Journal of Cancer reveals a series of vegetables that are most effective in preventing breast cancer in women. Research has been conducted on a large number of female participants for more than 30 years.

According to the report, a list of the best cancer-preventing vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, peppers and pumpkins. They are all rich in micronutrients, antioxidants and fiber, and are able to prevent tumor genesis and growth.

"Our research provides the most complete picture of the importance of consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables for the prevention of breast cancer," said the study's lead author, Maryam Farvid.

The researchers found that women who consumed more than five and a half servings of fruit and vegetables a day had a risk of developing breast cancer by 11 percent lower. Statistics compared to those who consume only a few fruits and vegetables.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Walnuts are the Right Snack for Diabetes

Walnuts or known with walnuts are not as familiar as Indonesian snacks. Though this type of nuts have good fats and contain many benefits to the body, including people with diabetes.

The fruit from the walnut tree grows in hard shells, when the seeds are opened, the seeds are usually seen, usually the beans are divided into two. Walnuts are more often eaten raw or roasted, depending on the taste of people.

Like all nuts, these wrinkled peanuts like human brains contain monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated (PUFAs). This species is also a good source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. With the addition of iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and B vitamins, which help the body maintain optimal nutritional levels.

The Yale University School of Medicine Care explores the effects of walnut consumption on blood vessels for type 2 diabetics. The results obtained show that consumption of walnuts can improve the function of blood vessel lining.

"Patients followed the diet with or without 56 grams of walnuts for eight weeks, and the scientists found that the canary group had improved in vascular lining function compared to the non-walnut nut group," the report said, quoted by Indian Express on Wednesday / 8).

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Should Avoid Cheese Consumption? This is Expert Suggestion

Almost everyone likes toast with extra cheese in it. But is cheese part of a healthy diet?

Most types of cheese contain salt and saturated fat. But it's also rich in protein and calcium, so what's the best? Avoiding cheese or eating it?

Republika also summarizes the reviews of experts, quoted from page Daily Mail, Wednesday (1/8). First, nutritionist from the University of South Australia Evangeline Mantzioris, said cheese contains a variety of nutritious components that need to be considered. Most of the components are calcium, protein and saturated fat also in other dairy products.

"Calcium is important for reducing the risk of osteoporosis, and protein is needed for tissue synthesis and repair, both of which provide clear health benefits," he said.

It's just that saturated fat in cheese is more controversial in terms of its role in the development of heart disease. But the consensus of a large study is that cheese is neutral, that is, it has no positive or negative effects.

Cheese is also a fermented food, containing bacteria or yeast, which contribute to healthy microbiomes. "But remember that a serving of cheese (40g) has about 500-650 kj.If you try to lose weight or have heart disease, better ask your doctor You, "he said.