Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Sweet Potatoes, Cheap Meriah Rich in Nutrition

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) really matches the description of the word delicious and nutritious. These vegetables are full of vitamins and nutrients and provide a sweet sweet taste.

Although sweet potato is almost the same as the potato form, both of them are different. Potatoes, according to the University of Wisconsin, are part of a family that develops at night, which includes tomatoes, eggplants and chillies. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are part of a family of flowering plants that bloom in the morning.

Sweet potatoes are best known as orange. According to the Library of Congress, the types are more diverse, ranging from white, yellow, pink, to purple. While the types of orange and yellow contain the most vitamin A, purple varieties contain high levels of antioxidants.

The Harvard School of Public Health explains, sweet potatoes have two "phytochemicals" that make bright colors. Beta-carotene makes orange and anthocyanins make purple colored purple. This time. scientists are studying these two compounds for their role in preventing disease and human health.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

10 High Folate Foods That Are Good for Men

Not only pregnant women, folate is also good for men's health. This is because the B vitamins contained in it can help the process of producing genetic material that is important for DNA and RNA. This component also plays a major role in the formation of red blood cells.

Folate is naturally found in many foods, especially green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds. In addition, many companies also add folate to food or beverage products in synthetic form, folic acid. However, folate from natural sources is still the best.


Some types of nuts contain high levels of folate. By consuming one half cup of black beans, you can get 128 micrograms of folate. Besides folate, black beans are also rich in antioxidants. For those who like sweetness, you can eat green beans instead. In one half cup of green beans, it contains 160.5 micrograms of folate.


In one half cup of cooked or boiled spinach, you can get 131.5 micrograms of folate. This green leafy vegetable contains many other nutrients such as vitamin K which can help overcome blood clots.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

This Unexpected Thing Increases the Risk of Hypertension 'Immune' Medication

Resistant hypertension is a condition in which high blood pressure does not experience improvement or decline despite being treated with three or more drugs from different classes and lifestyle modifications. People who consumed four hypertension drugs or more from different classes were also categorized as resistant hypertension patients.

The condition of resistant hypertension can certainly increase the risk of various cardiovascular problems including heart disease and stroke. Not long ago, a team of researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health managed to find new risk factors for resistant hypertension that had never been suspected before. As revealed in the Journal of the American Heart Association, these risk factors are accumulation of lead in the body.

"Our research shows that cumulative lead load, as measured by cortical bone (the outermost layer of bone) in the tibia, may be a risk factor for resistant hypertension that was previously unknown," said Chief Researcher Dr Sung Kyun Park as reported by Medical News Today.

This finding is known through a study involving 475 veterans with high blood pressure or hypertension. Of all participants, 97 of them had criteria for resistant hypertension.

During the study, the research team collected various data from participants. The data collected included blood pressure, hypertension medication to lead levels in the blood, patella and tibia (shin bone) of the participants. Tibia is another term for dry bones.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

7 Signs of your thyroid are not functioning properly

Thyroid dysfunction is a dangerous disease that affects body function but many people don't realize it. Problems begin to clot when lumps form at the base of the thyroid gland which affect normal production of important hormones.

Difficulty in maintaining weight, thinning hair and irregular blood pressure are the most prominent signs of the thyroid. But there are some lesser-known signs, most of which are ignored which can indicate problems in the early stages as reported by the Times of India.

1. Fatigue

Do you feel tired and exhausted every day? You might just ignore this but it might have something to do with the thyroid. An underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism can limit hormone production and lead to low levels of energy, which can cause fatigue even after getting the right sleep or doing nothing throughout the day.

2. Depression

When the thyroid becomes inflamed, hormone production also increases and fluctuations in these hormones can cause mood changes which is one of the first signs of depression. Depending on the person's condition, hormone production can even trigger anxiety in some people and interfere with your mental health.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jackfruit Fruit Health Secrets

In Indonesia, jackfruit is generally processed into vegetables or for ice mixes. Rarely is this fruit with hard skin eaten just like that. Behind the sweet taste, jackfruit turned out to contain important nutrients that are good for health.

Quoted by Healthline, this tropical climate fruit is a source of calories and carbohydrates. Even the fibrous texture is often used by vegetarians as a substitute for meat. Jackfruit is a fruit that is quite unique because it can be eaten when not cooked as a vegetable, and in a cooked condition.

In every 165 grams of jackfruit contains 155 calories. As many as 92 percent of calories come from carbohydrates, while the rest comes from protein and fat. Jackfruit contains almost all vitamins and minerals, and has enough fiber. This fruit is also rich in various types of antioxidants.

Jackfruit also has several blood sugar control properties. In one study, someone who consumed jackfruit extract had significantly increased blood sugar levels. In the study of diabetic mice, jackfruit leaf extract helps reduce blood sugar levels and control it long term.

Antioxidants in jackfruit can prevent stress and inflammation due to free radicals. Even some types of antioxidants in jackfruit can counteract various chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Jackfruit is also claimed to have other health benefits even though there has been no in-depth research.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Broken Heart Can Trigger Harmful Inflammation

Heartbreak and grief can have a distinctive impact on physical health. Research in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinologym reveals that sadness can trigger deadly inflammation.

This is known after the research team conducted interviews while analyzing blood samples from 99 participants. All of these participants have a partner who has just died.

The research team also noticed several signs of deep sadness in the participants. These signs or symptoms include a great yearning for the late couple who make the physical or mental abilities of participants experience a decline, difficulty in continuing life, the emergence of the feeling that life is meaningless until it is difficult to accept that their partner is gone.

After doing comparisons and analysis, the research team found that widows and widowers who showed symptoms of deep sadness had a body inflammation level of up to 17 percent higher. One third of the participants who were at the top also had an inflammatory level of 53.4 percent higher than a third of participants in the lowest order due to the level of sadness they experienced.

"This is the first study that confirms that sadness, regardless of the level of depression experienced, can lead to inflammation, which can then cause negative health effects," Chief Researcher Chris Fagundes explained.

Monday, October 22, 2018

10 Foods to Avoid Hypertension

High blood pressure is a frightening disease because it has several symptoms but puts people at greater risk of heart disease or stroke. A large number of people have been diagnosed but many more suffer from hypertension and do not know it. High blood pressure can be managed enough with changes in diet and lifestyle.

Avoid sugar and salt because they are a major factor in hypertension. You must limit your intake of sugar and salt. In general, healthy people should not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day as reported by Pop Sugar.

Our bodies need sugar to function properly, but most should come from sources such as whole fruit instead of candy or even juice. Here are 10 foods that should be avoided when exposed to high blood pressure.

1. Processed peanuts

Canned vegetables, especially nuts, are high in sodium because they are preserved. Dry beans and then soaked and cooked are healthy choices of food because of protein, fiber and anti-inflammatory nutrients.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Certain seeds, such as chia and hemp, tend to get a lot of spotlight as a large supplier of nutrients. In fact, many seeds can be juxtaposed, including sunflower seeds.

This type of grain is not just for snacks or hamster food. Sunflower seeds are also rich in nutrients. A serving of peeled sunflower seeds or about 1/4 cup or four tablespoons gives 14 grams of fat with a mixture of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

"Mono and polyunsaturated fats in sunflower seeds show clear health benefits, especially those related to heart health and the risk of cardiovascular disease," said registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey, quoted from Time, Saturday (10/20).

One portion of the grain also contains about six grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber. Rumsey said, fat, fiber and protein play an important role to feel full.

Sunflower seeds also contain vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E which has strong anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the risk of heart disease. This type of grain also has folate which is important for DNA synthesis, phosphorus for key bone health, and selenium and antioxidants that protect against cell damage. In addition, manganese in it helps bone production, copper which helps heart health and immune function, B6 is good for cognitive development and function, and zinc is important for metabolism and immune function.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Healthy Food Types for the Heart

Maintaining heart health is very important in life. Heart health can be maintained not only by abandoning the habit of consuming fast food or processed. Healthy heart can also be obtained by choosing the type of food that can help reduce cholesterol.

Quoted by CNN Health, heart health can also be maintained by eating foods that can reduce blood pressure and inflammation. What food groups can be relied on? Here are some lists.

Oat and Barley

Wheat and barley contain a special type of soluble fiber called betaglukan. This fiber has a number of benefits for the human body. Studies reveal, betaglukan able to block the body's insulin response, increase immunity, and protect radiation during chemotherapy. But its role in lowering cholesterol levels cannot be underestimated.

Betaglukan can bile bile acids and cholesterol in the intestine to prevent its absorption into the body. The best idea is to eat oats as breakfast regularly. Research says, 3 grams of betaglukan can reduce cholesterol by 10 percent.

Salmon and Fish Oil

Salmon and some other types of fish oil contain very important omega 3 fatty acids for the heart. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and sardines can be the main source. Then foods like lobster, oysters, and squid can also be a source of protein for a healthy heart diet. Overall all contain omega 3 which protects health.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Benefits of Eggs for Health

Both white and egg yolks are rich in nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Egg yolks also contain cholesterol, fat soluble vitamins, and essential fatty acids.

Eggs are also an important and versatile ingredient for cooking. Eggs have special natural chemicals as adhesives.

Many people have enjoyed eggs as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Even eggs have taken their place in religious and culinary history. In Christianity, the symbol of decorated eggs has become synonymous with Easter.

Reported on BBC Good Food, eggs are a very cheap and high-quality source of protein. More than half of the egg protein and vitamin B2 are found in egg whites. Lower amount of fat than egg yolks.

Eggs are rich in selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Egg yolks contain more calories and fat than egg whites.

Eggs are used as a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and lecithin, compounds that allow emulsification in recipes such as hollandaise or mayonnaise.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Types of Nuts That Are Effective To Overcome Hypertension

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can cause life-threatening implications if left untreated, such as heart attacks and strokes.

As reported on the Express page on Sunday (10/14), this may occur because hypertension puts pressure on the blood vessels and can enlarge the heart, make blood vessels blocked, rupture or leak, and can cause damage to the main organs. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, gout, vascular dementia, and problems with your vision.

But high blood pressure can often be prevented or reduced by eating the right foods. Nuts are recommended as part of a healthy, balanced diet and have a number of health benefits, including lowering high blood pressure readings.

So which beans are the best for those who have high blood pressure? According to one study, diets containing pistachio reduce systolic blood pressure and peripheral vascular responses to adult stress with dyslipidemia.

In addition, pistachio nuts in a low-fat diet can reduce blood pressure during times of stress. Other studies have found almonds have a similar effect. Both can be easily eaten as a snack or as an addition to a salad.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Stop eating spicy if the body has given this signal.

Spicy food is one of the culinary tastes of the Indonesian people. Eating spicy food does have its own pleasure rather than food that is not spicy. But, do you know there are times when we have to stop consuming spicy foods?

Behind its enjoyment, spicy culinary also brings side effects to the body. Too much spicy eating can cause acne to occur with gastritis. Reporting on Insider, the following signals are given by the body as a sign that you have to stop eating spicy food.

Stomach like burning

A burning sensation of stomach feels when the flow of acid in the stomach turns towards the feeding channel. As a result, heat is experienced around the stomach and chest. "Spicy pepper, spicy curry, and other spicy dishes trigger the stomach sap to turn to the esophagus which causes burning," said doctor Janette Nesheiwat.

In addition, spicy foods contain what is called capsaicin. Capsaicin is able to slow digestion. Therefore, food lasts longer in the stomach which increases the risk of burning.


Ingredients that carry a spicy flavor can trigger the appearance of irritation in the skin including acne. After eating spicy food, body temperature rises and produces sweat. Sweat triggers the release of oil through the skin. According to dermatologist Rebecca Tung, when dirt and bacteria are trapped in oil, that's when pimples and other skin problems appear.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

7 Benefits of Yellow Pumpkin for Health

Pumpkin fruit turns out to have health benefits that are quite surprising for the human body. Reported via the Shape page, pure calories in pumpkins are only about 49 grams per cup. Other ingredients are 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 250 percent of vitamin A

Pumpkin occupies the top position of the six most nutritious foods in autumn. "But this is confirmed only in pure or fresh pumpkin, not canned pumpkin," said the Nutritionist and Owner of Happy Slim Healthy Jenna A Werner, RD.

Here are seven extraordinary pumpkin benefits and are rarely known in general.

Helps Digestion

Pumpkin is a good source of fiber, and can make a person feel full to encourage healthy digestion. In fact, pumpkin can reduce the risk of obesity.

In a journal of Nutrients, pumpkins are said to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and include a source of natural sugars. Like hydrated fruits and vegetables, an average pumpkin made of water or about 90 percent is beneficial for normal bowel movements.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Note, This Vegetarian Food Contains Lots of Calcium

Calcium plays many important roles in the body that keep your bones strong. According to research from Harvard University, minerals make teeth strong, help blood clots, are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, and even regulate heart rhythms

You. While most minerals are stored in your bones and teeth, 99 percent, to be exact, another one percent can be found in the blood and other tissues in the body are reported through Well Good.

Eating the right amount of calcium every day is important. According to the National Institutes of Health, adults ages 19 to 50 need 1,000 milligrams per day to keep the body functioning properly and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that makes your bones weak and brittle.

The type you take is also very important, although milk is a quick and easy way to get enough calcium, it is not necessarily the most health conscious choice.

"The dairy industry wants you to believe that osteoporosis is a milk-deficient disease. But if you eat vegetarian food, you will get a lot of calcium, "said Susan Blum, MD. In fact, a 12-year study involving 78,000 women found that those who drank the most milk had more broken bones than those who rarely drank it.

There are many other healthy sources besides milk which is to achieve the recommended daily calcium intake, which is vegetarian food. All of them are also full of other essential vitamins and minerals that will help you have more nutrients.

1. Tofu

Only one cup of tofu contains 870 milligrams of calcium and 20 grams of protein and the absorption rate is basically the same as milk.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Could it be an overdose of banana fruit

Bananas do have many health benefits. Eat too much bananas but it's not good. Especially for people with certain health problems.

For example, people who take beta blockers for heart disease. They must eat bananas in moderation because beta blockers cause potassium levels to increase. Too much potassium is also dangerous for people whose kidneys do not function optimally.

Also suspected bananas can trigger migraines in people who are susceptible to the fruit. So reduce consumption of bananas if you are a migraine sufferer.

There are also some people who are allergic to bananas. Avoid this fruit completely if after eating allergy symptoms arise. For example, swelling to itching.

Bananas are fruits that are rich in potassium. The recommended amount for daily potassium intake varies from person to person. But in general, everyone will need to eat about seven or eight bananas to get all the daily potassium from that source.

While too much potassium can have an adverse effect on the heart. Approximately 400 bananas a day are needed for healthy people to reach the danger zone.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

6 Arterial Cleaning Foods

Having a healthy heart is the dream of everyone. Exercising often and having a healthy lifestyle helps maintain heart conditions.

Eating quality food also has a big role to play in this. Finding quality food is not difficult, here are some quality foods that you can buy cheaply, reported on the Shape page, Monday (8/10). Not only is it healthy, but the foods below can also cleanse your arteries.


According to a 1996 study conducted by researchers in Mexico, people who like to eat avocados every day for a week experience a 17 percent decrease in total blood cholesterol. In addition, their level of bad cholesterol (LDL) decreases while good cholesterol (HDL) increases. "Instead of using mayonnaise, you better use a few pieces of avocado on your bread," said a dietitian in New York, Megan Madden.

Whole Wheat

According to Madden, the soluble fiber found in whole grains such as whole-grain bread, brown rice, and oatmeal can bind cholesterol in your food, and bring it out of the body. When your body needs cholesterol in the following days, your body will attract a supply of cholesterol in the blood. So that it can effectively reduce total blood cholesterol levels, and also reduce your risk of heart disease.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Vitamin B Increases Kidney Function for Diabetics

Teenagers with type 1 diabetes can benefit from Vitamin B supplements to alleviate the illness. Reporting from The News, Thursday (4/10), B vitamins have been shown to improve kidney function through protection against the development of kidney disease.

These findings are the result of research conducted by academics from Syams Karo University, Nancy Samir Elbarbary. According to him, from the research he did, vitamin B supplements besides being useful for the therapy of inhibiting angiotensin converting enzymes also became an early strategy for maximum kidney function.

 "This may be a simple, safe and cost-effective strategy for early intervention for young people with kidney disease," Nancy said.

He explained, the results of his study were presented at the 75th European Community Association meeting specifically for the Child Endocrinology Meeting. Nancy also explained that the study of the efficacy of vitamin B supplements had involved 100 participants who experienced vitamin B12 deficiency and were experiencing diabetes when they were 12-18 years old.

Nancy then made observations for 12 weeks to participants who were not given supplement B by being given supplements. "As a result, children get supplements that show significant changes," he said.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Sugar from Fruit Bits Diabetes Solution

The number of diabetics in Indonesia is said to have reached 10.3 million people in 2017 and more than half were undiagnosed. This number is likely to continue to grow. According to the Indonesian Diabetes Federation, it is estimated that there will be 16.7 million diabetics in Indonesia by 2045.

Actually a simple way to reduce the rate of obesity and diabetes is to choose foods with low sugar levels.

With regard to food, the international research institute "FMCG Gurus" notes that consumers have an awareness of choosing food ingredients that reduce the risk of diabetes by 88 percent and consumers are aware of the link between diet and diabetes by 66 percent.

"The sugar still provides benefits to the body as an energy source. It's just that, sugar intake adapts to the body's activity," explained BENEO Asia Pacific Managing Director Christian Philippsen while talking in BENEO's Media Briefing, in Jakarta, Wednesday (3/10).

During this time, continued Philippsen, food, especially those that have been processed and packaged, have high sugar content. This causes diabetes. "So that food remains healthy and does not reduce its taste, sugar products are needed by incorporating functional ingredients, in which there is sugar derived from beets," he explained.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Five Moringa Benefits for the Body

Moringa or Moringa fruit has been used in Indian cuisine for centuries. Usually used for ingredients of meat curries, soups, salads, or pickles.

Moringa has a taste that is very similar to asparagus. Apparently this vegetable has a type of nutritional benefits that can help deal with various health conditions. Stems, leaves and seeds of moringan have many therapeutic qualities.

Reporting from Doctor NDTV, Monday (1/10), first, moringa can increase immunity. Moringa is rich in vitamin C which helps ward off various infections and supports the overall immune system. Anti-bacterial properties in moringa help the body avoid coughing.

Second, strengthen the body's bones. Eating moringa either in the form of juice or with suusu regularly can help increase bone density.

Third, moringa can purify strong blood and antibiotics. Eating moringa regularly in the form of soup or juice reduces irritation and skin-related problems.

Fourth, moringa relieves respiratory problems. Moringa soup can help with sore throats, coughs, or shortness of breath. The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa can reduce toxins and help overcome various respiratory problems. Eating moringa can be beneficial for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.