Sunday, January 20, 2019

Control Blood Sugar Before Getting Diabetes

Everyone needs to control blood sugar levels in the body. If you already have diabetes, you should take medication and inject insulin to control it.

Diabetes is a disease that is indiscriminate, ranging from children to parents at risk for experiencing it. Therefore, controlling blood sugar or checking regularly must be done.

An internal medicine specialist Sidartawan Soegondo said diabetes could not be underestimated because he felt he had been treated. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is classified as a silent killer and is very deadly if complications occur.

"Sickness (diabetes mellitus) must be controlled. It is not medical treatment then given medicine, then it is correct. It must always be controlled, especially if the sugar drops or not after taking medicine," said Sidartawan at the Elvansense launch in Jakarta, Saturday (1/19).

In addition to checking regularly, adjusting your diet and doing physical activity is very important. This aims to suppress the surge in blood sugar levels so as not to increase rapidly after consuming certain foods.

"If you need to use insulin, use it. There are certain groups that use insulin and check blood seven times. So why should you check blood sugar? So you can prevent complications from happening," explained Sidartawan.

According to Sidartawan, diabetes cannot be cured. However, it can be prevented from causing complications that will lead to death.

"If you are sick with blood sugar, accept fate, but it can be monitored. We only prevent complications not cure. Doctors will not say they can recover but only teach them to live healthier lives," said Sidartawan.

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