Thursday, January 31, 2019

This is the Natural Way to Prevent DHF

Head of the Bandung City Health Office, Rita Verita, asked the public to be alert to the potential of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Residents are encouraged to help prevent the breeding of mosquitoes that cause DHF, Aedes Aegpty in their environment.

Rita said there were many efforts to prevent the development of the Aedes Aegpty mosquito. He encouraged people to try natural ways to prevent dengue. Starting from maintaining betta fish and planting plants that are not liked by mosquitoes.

"Betta fish is indeed one of the mosquito larvae-eating animals, so it's good if you have a fish pond accompanied by maintaining this betta fish," said Rita in Bandung Answering at City Hall Historical Park, Thursday (1/31).

Because of the benefits of betta fish, it encourages people to keep betta fish in ponds or aquariums. So that it can inhibit the breeding of mosquitoes.

In addition to betta fish, he said, there are several plants that can be an alternative to avoid mosquitoes. This plant can be planted around the house so that it helps prevent mosquito bites from starting at home.

"For people who like gardening, they are advised to plant lavender or ginger. That is one of the things that mosquitoes avoid," he said.

He said that efforts to eradicate mosquito nests (PSN) can be done by 3M, namely draining, closing, burying. Besides that, it can be added by adding a mosquito lotion. Residents also, he added, can avoid using mosquito nets while sleeping.

He added, people can get abate powder to kill mosquito larvae. This Abate can be obtained for free at the nearest health center.

"Abate is not bought and sold, it is free to just ask the puskesmas. If there are those who sell, be careful that this is not sold by the government," he said.

According to him, the time prone to the aedes aegpty mosquito bite is in the morning and evening. So that at these times it is advisable to watch out.

"Biting the peak at 08.00-10.00 and at 15.00-17.00," he said.

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