Monday, January 21, 2019

The Main Benefits of Eating Fish for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women always want the best for their fetal growth. Everything is done so that the baby can be born healthy and perfect. Consult a doctor can be a solution.

In addition, regular exercise and a healthy diet are always sought so that the baby's growth increases. That's because having a smart child is certainly a pride for all parents in the world.

Whether we realize it or not, research shows that pregnant women who eat fish will improve their brain development. Research says eating fish during pregnancy benefits neuropsychology (brain function) and cognitive.

Quoted from Livestrong, mothers who consume approximately 200 grams of fish such as salmon per week during pregnancy have an effect on neuropsychological development for the child. "Two hundred grams is about seven ounces (about the size of two decks of cards), so it's enough to eat two fish a week," the study said.

Although eating fish is very good, not all of them can be eaten by pregnant women.

Of course, pregnant women should avoid mackerel, tuna and swordfish because of excessive levels of mercury, which can actually harm nerve development in the developing brain tissue of the fetus.

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